Chapter sixty four

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Chapter sixty four

Okay so I'm very sorry I haven't updated in ages, I've been on holiday in America and I didn't have a lot of wifi or any bloody time to write. Bloody hell Im tired, so this is crappy but the next ones should be better YALL. 💞

It was nearly a week after the battle when El finally managed the clear up after the battle and get all the lords organised to have a formal meeting regarding what they should do next. El was initially surprised as the how many of her lords she'd lost, either to Harrion Karstark or in the battle, The great table in the hall was more than half empty, those who were left looked more anxious than El felt. She sat down at the head of the table and looked around even Axel had made the effort to join them.

Axel sat slightly slouching in the chair to the right of El, like he had always done. His left hand moved to his right shoulder where his arm once was. El watched him carefully, but quickly darted her eyes away when he look at her. She looked back, desperate to think of something to say to him but before she could Garlan's warm hand clamped down gently on her thigh under the table that diverted her attention from Axel.

She hadn't even noticed him come in, nor Francas Ambrose or a few other men who were taking their seats further down the table. "Harrion Karstark, tried to escape this morning" Garlan said moving his fingers on gentle swirls along her leg.

"And.." She asked.

"We asked him a few questions, as to why he was a traitorous bastard" Garlan bite his bottom lip smiling, "and he wouldn't give any answers at first, then with a little let's say, persuasion.. He obliged, interestingly my love he said someone paid him, quite generously to make sure you were dead." El's head was spinning, the Bolton's were dead who could have possibly paid Harrion to turn against her? The tyrells weren't happy with her, but not angry enough to do something like this.. The Lannisters had bigger problems than El right now..

"Who was it?" She whispered.

"Waldor Frey supposedly, but I do not believe he could fund such a thing so I'm not entirely sure he is fully to blame"

Of course Waldor Frey was fully to blame she thought, that old bastard had a long standing grudge towards the Starks, and would do anything to satisfy his need for vengeance for what Robb had done. But the feud between the Starks and the freys was deeper than one broken promise from Robb thing was an old injustice that Waldor Frey felt to the higher houses, and this was simply him trying to get his own back on those who'd wronged in.

"I disagree, he could have funded it and his got good enough reasoning to want me dead, but a battle just to kill one person it's a bit extreme I know, possibly Harrion thought that was easiest way to have me killed." El said.

Garlan opened his mouth to answer when Axel's cough alerted them to the whole room listening to their conversation. "Who wants you dead? Milady." The Greatjon bellowed.

"Waldor Frey, apparently" Axel answered not looking up at El but at his left hand.

"Isn't that old news? He's wanted the Starks dead for years, I thought we were here discussing the future" one of the Manderly men grumbled.

"Indeed we are" El finally spoke, "now regarding our future.." El began, "do we know how many men we lost overall?"

"Just over 2000 dead, but that includes Stannis' troops" Alysane sat above the murmuring  that had arisen."About 1000 of our own, northerners I mean"

"Out of our 5000 that we started with, gods.." El winced, she hadn't thought they could have lost that many men that fast. So they had no money, barely any troops and a bad winter ahead. "Does anyone know of how much food we will have for the winter?"

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