Chapter 72 -Kingslanding

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72 - Kingslanding

Apologies for the delay in a new chapter, A levels are hard 😂 I only added half this chapter OMF this is so embarrassing God, anyway I missed the first half of the chapter out so have it now.

"I cant believe you Garlan" El snapped, "dont tell me you started it to.." It was early morning and the sun was still creeping it's way into the sky. El had slept alone the night before for the first time in years and she was even a tiny bit resentful that she had locked Garlan out. Garlan and Axel had been fighting like small children when El got to them and quite frankly that had made her look ridiculous.

"Then you'll be pleased to know that he hit me first.." Garlan smirked.

"With how much provocation?" El pressed not lifting her eyes from braiding Lyara's hair.

Garlan snorted, "what kind of a question is that?"

"Quite a simple one I think" El remarked, continuing to braid her daughters hair. "Do I have to repeat myself Garlan.."

"All I said was that I had already won and that it might be best if he just left now, rather than waiting until we get home.."

"You saw everything didn't you?" El asked, suddenly looking up at him.

"And what if I did? What if I did see you kiss him?" Garlan said his eyes turning harsher.

"Well if you did see everything then you'd know what I did after I kisses him, which was walk straight back inside and go and get a drink, then I heard raised voices and the clashing of your swords."

"So you actually kissed him?" Garlan turned away, "dear god El really.."

"You're such a liar! You never even saw any of it. You just wanted me to admit something that you might never have known nor needed to know.."

"And why do you think I don't need to know when my wife is kissing other men behind my back?"

"Lyara sweetie, why do you go find Grayce and she'll find you some breakfast, hmm?" El said tying up her daughters braid.

"But mummy.."

"No sweetie, I'll be down soon I promise" El smiled, "come on I'll even take you" axel got up and took Lyara to the next room and left her with Grayce and her other children. She returned shutting the door behind her and lingering by it. "What did you see?"

"What didn't I see might be a more fitting question.."

"Oh for fucks sake Garlan would you quit playing games, if we spoke frankly we could sort this misunderstanding out."

"This misunderstanding? This misunderstanding Elonar has happened over and over again and quite frankly I'm the one done with these games" Garlan said calmly.

El sighed heavily, "what did you see?"

"Why should it matter? I saw you kiss him, surely that's what this is really about."

"No, that isn't what this was about. If you would only tell me what you saw maybe I could explain what you saw and what happened" El said holding out her hand to his arm, but Garlan only turned away.

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