Chapter One: Elonar

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The Queen In the North

Chapter one:

<< Elonar >>

So close, El Stark was so close, to her brother, mother and her journeys end. She rode alone, wrapped tightly in a black cloak. She pulled her horse to a holt suddenly as she was nearing the bridge that led to Lord Freys castle. She looked up, a body dangled from the battlement, she would usually ignore a body but not this one, El knew who they body belonged to and what, the head belonged to.

Above her Robb Stark, king of the north, dangled by his wrists, and his direwolf Greywind head was on the top of Robb's lifeless body. "Oh Robb." El said quietly. She was half tempted to take his body, even if El could somehow get Robb's body free, it just wouldn't feel right riding around with her brothers dead body on the back of her horse.

As much as El wanted to stay, she knew there was nothing in that castle left for her and of she stayed, she'd most likely end up like her brother. Robb was always Elonar's favourite, he'd always take her hunting when he could. El suddenly started shaking, tears gusted from her deep grey eyes. She pushed them and as she did a shiver ran down her spine, as if Robb was right there beside her. "I'm so sorry" she said then turned her horse and rode away.

Now what? What would El do now, she had nothing. Nobody. She was now completely alone. El couldn't ride back to Kingslanding, she just couldn't, not back to Sansa and Queen Cersei. And worst or all King Joffrey, they'd kill her, or marry or off to some strange old lord if she was lucky.

From what El had heard Winterfell, her home was in ruins, after the Greyjoys attacked the city. Her younger brothers gone, like everyone else. Arya, she thought, but finding Arya would be like trying to catch smoke with your bare hands. Arya too was long gone into the wilderness possibly dead or maybe somehow alive. Jon was still alive for sure, safe up at the wall. But what would she do up on the wall. She could go up to Winterfell, and rebuild it,make it new again, be the queen in the north until she found her brothers.

Elonar wiped the tears from her eyes, and put her hand to the sword at her waist, the sword Robb had given her years ago. One small piece of him. A piece of protection. As For her mother Lady Catelyn , El had nothing of her, all but her looks, her high cheekbones and slim stature. El was a perfect mix of both Stark and Tully, as everyone had always told her, she had the Stark grey eyes, Stark dark curls, the high Tully cheekbones but the Stark strength and she was beautiful.

She rode into the woods, heading north, El was going home at last. Home to Winterfell where she belonged.

After a day of riding she heard voices, men's voices. She slowed her horse and walked calmly and quietly. She looked through the clearing,there were only four men. El could easily kill them if it came to that. At first she was delighted, one held a banner with a grey direwolfd head on, then the man holding the banner throw it into the flame. Another man began telling the story of how he'd sewed Robb's head onto his wife's body. This mad El so angry, all she wanted to do was put her sword through his heart. Slowly she dismounted from her horse and walked into the clearing.

"What do you want girl?" One man said

"My name is Elonar Stark, and I wish to avenge my brother and mothers murder." El said drawing her sword, before the men fully knew what was happening and the identity of the cloaked figure. She pushed her sword through two of the four men. The third came at her waving his sword madly at her, El killed him two. The last was cowering at her feet.

"Have mercy my lady, have mercy." The man begged

"Did you do that too Robb, what you said before.."

"No no i didn't." He whimpered

"Bullshit." El spat "don't lie to me" then she stabbed him repetitively and watched the life drain from his eyes. El whipped his blood onto his now blood soaked clothes. She took their food then rode away. All El wanted was someone to be at home, even seeing Sansa at this point would make El happy. Sansa who hated El with a burning passion, she missed her.

Robb's whole army was dead and gone with him. With Sansa married off to Tyrian Lannister, and Brann and Ricken dead. Elonar was the rightful lady of winterfell, the Queen in the North, the warden of the north. With no army. What was the point? Still El returned to her horse and rode on, never looking back at the four men she just killed.

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