Chapter Fifteen: Elonar

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Chapter fifteen:


The wedding feast was a brilliant array of dishes and colours. Elonar had been to feats before, back home in Winterfell, but not one, like the one that lay before her eyes. She and Ser Garlan headed the table and El surveyed the full hall in front of her. Anxiously her tapped the white and golden throne, that she sat on. To begin with, Garlan Tyrell said not a word to Elonar, but after a while he seemed to warm to her, "Mi'Lady, do you not drink?" he smiled gently at her

"No, I am afraid wine dulls my senses" that was always what her Lady Mother, Catelyn had always said at feasts. Garlan smiled then nodded before returning to conversation with his elder brother Willas. She the diverted her attention to Axel Umber who sat to her left "Mi'Lady, are you enjoying the feast?" He said looking deep into her and seeing her displeasure.

Elonar smiled a little "Axel of course I am enjoying the feast, it is my wedding night.." She said seriously however there was a touch of sarcasm lingering in her voice. "Has your father sent word from Winterfell?"

"Not as yet Mi'Lady" Axel said " it was only been a month El"

"I know, it's just, in the north we have enemies, that surround us and only four hundred men left in Winterfell left to protect my Lands with Lord Bolton who has direct orders from the Lannisters to kill me and so many other smaller lords who would kill my men for lannister gold." Elonar defended

"Mi'Lady, we have enemies everywhere" Axel's face darkened, and he whispered "I wouldn't put it past any of the people you see before you, to arrange an accident for you, on Lannister orders"

"what are you suggesting Axel?" She questioned

"I am for suggesting a thing,as yet, Mi'Lady,all I say is just we need to keep our guards up" Axel nodded, and his code changed "I think your lord husband wishes a dance"

El turned to see Garlan standing above her his hand outstretched "Mi'Lady a dance?"

"I would be honoured" She half smiled and rose. Her lead her down the steps then twirled her round and together they moved as one in a blur of her white gown and his gold and green cloak, for the first time since El had arrived in highgarden, she was actually enjoying herself, maybe Ser Garlan isn't as bad as El had originally suspected. "So how are you enjoying our wedding feast?"

He shrugged "enjoying the company more however" he grinned.

"You do you me great honour Ser Garlan" Elonar smiled a little, her lord husband was slowly and slightly warming to her.

"You are most beautiful, My lady" Garlan's voice was soft as silk and sunk deep into her. Elonar was away for a moment, back to months past, with another man, with golden green eyes and a voice like silk that sunk and ran throw her like her own blood, pulsing through her own veins. But that man was dead and he had betrayed her. So El was still cautious of Garlan, his golden green eyes and his voice like silk that ran throw her like it was her own blood, like he belonged with her.

Later after the feast was done, Ser Garlan Tyrell lead El by the hand, which was hot and clammy, she'd been fretting about this moment for weeks, would he rape me? She questioned herself, she'd heard stories of young bride being raped on their wedding nights, that was not something Elonar, once inside the large opened space bed chamber, and away from listening ears of their wedding guests, he looked around the light spacious room then down on his newly we'd bride, the valiant young she wolf that that thundered into court, not a month past, was replaced by a small shaking young woman, trembling before him, terrified of what he might do to her. When he spoke, his voice was gentle and kind "Lady Elonar, I will never do a thing to you that you do not welcome"

Elonar bit back her tears, and nodded slowly, the Terror still loomed inside her eyes "I will not bed you, not tonight, or any night until you are ready" Garlan Tyrell said stroking her hair lightly.

She forced a smile and said "thank you" meekly, although Garlans words had reassured her some what that he wasn't going to rape her, the fear still lingered in the back of her mind.

"You take the bed" Garlan said stepping away from her and moving to the doors which lead to the balcony "I will sleep on the floor, as if wouldn't look good for either of us to leave our bed chamber on our wedding night" he smiled almost scene her fear "Lady Stark, I'm not going to hurt you" there was something about the calmness of his voice that flowed through her, trusting him more with every word. "I will never let anyone hurt you, while you are mine, Mi'Lady"

El lay in bed, thinking of her older sister Sansa, who was married off the to Imp, Tyrion Lannister, what on earth could he have done to poor Sansa? El thought, all El could remember of Sansa was her pretty dresses and what a coward she was. Could Tyrian have been good to Sansa? She'd never know, like she'd never know her sister again. It had been 4 years, a long time, she was sixteen and seventeen on her next name day, Sansa would be eighteen on her next and Arya, fifteen on hers. How everything had changed in four years.. Inevitably, in turn each one of the Stark daughters would have been married off to various high lords or knights, but Lord Eddard would have chosen The Lords carefully, making sure each one of his daughters was happy. But Father is dead, with mother and Robb too. El thought and bit her lip hard to stop the tears from flowing. Mostly, Arya, Sansa, Bran and Rickon were also gone too. She'd never know..

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