Chapter Twenty-Three

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Chapter Twenty-three:

Elonar Stark

The world around her seems slightly blurred around her. Like nothing was really there, that is she touched anything it would somehow melt like snow on your finger tips. This, was the worst sort of pain there is, El thought while she sat curled up on Garlan in the high seat of Winterfell, at the dead of night. The great hall was in darkness apart from one braisier at their feet. She hide her face into his chest and he fiddled with her hair aimlessly while staring into the vague distance. It had been a week since their first son died, a week of silence, pain, and tears. They'd buried the child in the crypt of winterfell the day previous. Next to the shrine for her family. El had lost all the strength when she lost that child. He was her first son. The son that Garlan had never known. Before the young she wolf had regained her strength through Garlan and his strength, And now she was nothing, just some broken little girl. "El" he said through the darkness.

"Mmmh" she answered vaguely not looking up.

"Shall we go for a ride?" He asked looking widely at his wife.

For the first time in a week, Elonar stark smiled. "You, are insane my dear" El said kissing him "have you seen the snow?" She questioned

"Yes, that's the freezing white stuff outside" Garlan smirked.

"We'd freeze to death" El said glumly.

"As a posed to rotting here, mourning and slowly dying, before we have even lived. My dear, what happen is not rare. Death happens my sweet. We cannot simply, live of lives in fear of death, for that is not truly living El, hiding in the shadows and waiting in fear for death to approach us, when we could be running, dodging, fighting death, so that when death arrives you are done with this world." Once again, Garlan Tyrell had stunned her with his wise words.

"So we ride" El said rising and holding her hand out for Garlan to take. He took it and lead her out to the stables. He harnessed and then mounted a large black mare bareback and Elonar pulled herself up, in front of Garlan, taking the reins. Garlan held her waist to steady himself and together they rode off into the darkness of the wolfswood. The night sky was clear of any cloud and it was so cold as they galloped through the moonlight, that the air seemed to be freezing around them.

They dismounted somewhere deep in the wolfswood and Garlan encircled El in his warmth and for a while they remained like that. Garlan pushed himself away to look at her, there were tears in his golden eyes. "Garlan" she said holding his cheek "my sweet"

"I wanted that child, so much El" He said balling his fists up.

El put her hands over him lightly " I know you did, and so did I" she fought back the urge to cry, she had to be strong now. "Remember what you said before, about running from death and fighting him, he have to do that, and not look back at the past, we'll get another child, gods be good." She said.

Garlan chewed his lip hard, "I never met him" he said raising his voice angrily, he threw away El's hands and turned away from her, screamed, "he died, he no fire I ever saw him"

"He died, El"

"And I could do nothing, a fever took him. A fever. Gods.. This is why their aren't gods El, why would they curse you with this."

"He died" Garlan sobbed then turned back to El. She'd had not once seen a full grown man cry, and Garlan was the last man you'd except to cry. But there he was crying his eyes out, El held out her arms and pulled him in, she kissed his neck and pulled at his hair gently while he leaned down to cry on her shoulder.

"My sweet" she said wrapping her arms around his neck "I know how much this hurts, the pain won't just go away immediately, it will take time, but we know that we have each other" and kissing his jaw along the stubble line "don't worry, we'll get another child soon enough" then he kissed her back, she held his face then and he held her waist and pressed her against a nearby tree kissing her all over. "We must be strong, now more than ever" they looked at each other in the darkness and Garlan cold she her strength, the brave young she wolf and grown through the pain and trauma, the death of their child had not wounded her as it had wounded Garlan. It had only made her stronger, he had only shown his true pain tonight, the days preview he had partially ignored El or blocked her out. But now he let her in and she saw how wounded he was from loosing their child. She couldn't help feeling somewhat responsible for his death. Her mind was suddenly clouded with what ifs.

What did I do wrong?

Garlan lifted El back onto the horse and whispered "I need you El.."

"I need you too" she said kissing him. "Where are we going now?" She asked

"Home" he said, through the dark, she could see his half smirk but his eyes still were still red from the tears.

They galloped back through the night, El held the reins and Garlan sat behind her, his hands around her hips and his lips locked on her neck, his breathing bringing small warmth to her skin.

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