Chapter 69

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Chapter sixty nine

Chapter 69 innit 😏😏😏


When El woke the next morning, still wrapped in Garlan's arms. She smiled looking up at him, delicately trying not to wake him she pulled her arm from around his waist and traced the defined lines of his collarbone and then down through the smooth hair on his chest. It was only when El moved her hips to press closer to Garlan, then she realised how much pain she was still in. It all hurt, everything from her stomach down to her thighs just ached in a weird sort of way. Garlan stirred slightly, pulling El tighter into his warmth. She closed her eyes, just soaking the moment in, How perfect it was. She nuzzled her face further in his neck. This time Garlan groaned into her hair, and his eyes fluttered open, he kissed The top of El's head sensing she was awake. "Good morning my love" he whispered his voice rough and husky.

"I'm going to go speak with Axel" El said abruptly, as she pulled away to get up, Garlan's arm lazily reached out to her in a feeble attempt of making her stay, "you stay here and sleep a bit more" she smiled gently turning back to Garlan.

Elonar crossed the room to her daughters crib stiffly. All of her body ached, every movement felt like she was dragging around weights on each muscle. She picked up Orla who was wide awake and pressed her tiny body to her chest. Thank gods she isn't crying.. El thought as she carrying her daughter through to the sitting room where Axel was curled up in an armchair by the fading fire. She had sort of hoped that axel might be awake so she could get this over with, the guilt was simply eating her away bit by bit.

El sat down slowly in the opposite chair, cradling Orla in the crook of her arm as she watched Axel, praying that Orla wouldn't cry and wake him. And just as El had dreaded, soon Orla began to cry, and not just a soft sort of sobbing, no.. The baby was screaming, El squeezed her eyes shut as she saw Axel wake up. El tried to soothe her child, but El knew what she must want, the poor child hadn't eaten in hours and for a baby, overnight is a long time.  Reluctantly El gently raised her daughter to her breast, trying to reveal as little skin as possibly to Axel.

"I'm sorry- about this" she nodded down at her breasts slightly, "I thought she'd be okay for at least another hour, obviously not" she smiled a little. Axel just smiled in response, he run his hands through his hair and stifled a yawn, "you didn't have to wait here all night you know.."

"I did El, you know i did" Axel began, "your armchairs are very comfortable I must admit" he said smirking a little.

At first El was conscious Axel was staring at her half exposed breasts, then she realised he was trying to get a look at Orla, "shes tiny isn't she?" El smiled stroking her babies cheek.

Axel nodded, eyes wide with wonder, "Has she got a name yet?" Axel asked still staring at the baby.

"Orla" El said plainly.

"Its a pretty name.. I would have thought you'd go for something more tradition." Axel said, El just shrugged a little. There was silence for a while, when neither spoke Axel was just watching Orla, and El just watched Axel. "Is-is it strange.. Having her do that to you?" Axel asked fathering bluntly, although he could keep a straight face.

"At first it's a bit strange, but then you get used to it I suppose.. I just feels like she's tugging at your skin" El smiled, "do you- Er.. Want to hold her?" Sensing Orla was done, El gently pulled her away from her breast.

"How should I hold her?" Axel said raising his lame right shoulder.

El had almost forgotten about his arm, but she got up gently and simple positioned Axel's arm in a way that he could hold her close to his chest. El sat back down in her chair, and just watched Axel and the baby. "She's yours" she whispered as clearly as she could despite her voice cracking.

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