Chapter 46 - Garlan

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Chapter forty six

Garlan Tyrell

"El you can't just have her killed for that." Garlan said almost angrily as he shut the door shit after Axel.

"Why not?" El answered coldly, "because of her, our son is dy-" she couldn't continue, her grey eyes swam with tears.

"You can't just have someone killed for that" Garlan said, this whole situation deeply unsettled him, although he knew El was right about if Evangeline had told them they might have been able to do something more for their son, but she not delivering the message is no reason to kill someone, especially not her.

Garlan had known she was trouble from when he first met her. Evangeline was the reason why his first wife Leonette was dead, but only at Garlan's free will. Leonette, had been a nice girl and looking back her ghost clouded Garlan's conscience, her sweet little face and mousy brown hair was all her remembered about her, other than her bleeding body being dragged out of room, with Evangeline's wicked green smirk illuminating the chamber. Garlan ans Evangeline's love had been a short and fierce one. It was only month after Leonette's murder that Evangeline, had been married off to some lowly lord and soon after moved to Kingslanding to live with Margaery, the soon after that Garlan was married off to El and forgot everything about Evie until just before her found El again.. But that was all I'm the past now, all of it. Everyone had secrets, Even El probably, secrets she hasn't told even me, he thought, hoping hers were darker than his.

"Garlan" El said, snapping him out of his thoughts. "Are you alright?" She asked, her eyes widening.

"I'm fine my love" he said sitting down on the bed. "El you must sleep" He said brushing her hair back form her ashen face. She only shook his off and readjusted her son at her chest. "My love please come to bed, you are doing no more good for him watching him sleep than you would be sleeping yourself." Garlan held his arms out to take their tiny son.

Elonar eventually gave in and got up shakily and lay down on the fresh sheets stiffly. "Lay him down beside me" she asked, fighting to keep herself awake. Garlan gently lay down next to her with their dying child. He was dying. Garlan had to accept that fact, however much it pained him. Soon El feel asleep is fingers delicately resting on his sons slow rising chest. Everything was so complicated, Garlan stared at his son, he dared not close his eyes, in the fear that if he did, he'd wake to find his son dead.

Asleep, Elonar looked the fearless sixteen year old young wolf he had wed, nearly seven years ago. But now she was so different, at sixteen she was already damaged, but now at twenty two she was positivity wrecked, but she was still as fearless as before, "being fearless is not the lack of fear, but being terrified and doing it regardless" she'd once said, Garlan had always admired her courage and it had honestly gained his own from hers, especially riding into battle the day he lost her. He loved her, good god he did, but it all wasn't that simple. He wanted it all to go back to how if was in Winterfell. So simple, so sweet. But things in life are not simple nor sweet, ever.

"Garlan" El's voice quivered through the darkness.

"Yes my love" he asked reaching out for her hand.

"I love you, with all my heart, you must know that" She said, tears cracked her voice.

"I do, my love, I do" Garlan said placing his face firm on her cheek "and you must know that I love you more that you can ever know." He closed his eyes "I want to kiss you"

El lifted their son over a little, and moved herself in between, and pressed her forehead against Garlan's, he held her waist, he kissed her gently, applying the slightest touch to her delicate lips, she pulled his bottom lip between hers and pulled gently. God damn it, he loved kissing her, like this, slowly and so surely it made him forgot the world.

"I almost forgot about it all" El said, breaking way sensing Garlan's thoughts, she took their son in her arms again and lay him in the gap between them. "I love you" she said pressed her lips to his tiny forehead. "I always knew I'd be a terrible mother" she croaked after a shirt term of silence.

Garlan's eyes met hers in the semidarkness, "no my love, you cannot help things like this"

"But he's not the first child I've lost" El said, she tried to bite back the tears, but one spilled out her eye, and dripped down her cheek, Garlan wiped it away.

"El you could have done nothing more to help that poor boy, nor can we do anything to help Garlan" he said running his forefinger down their sons cheek. "All we can do is be with him, but El don't forget we have two wonderfully healthy and beautiful children. Lyara who is your spitting image, who will grow up to be the lady of Winterfell like her mother, and Rickard who will always follow her, he's so loyal and brave already and he's only four years old."

Their sons breathing was slowly and his temperature was burning now, "I wonder how much pain he's in." El whispered, wincing at his feeble cough shaking his tiny body.

"Quite a bit I'd imagine" Garlan answered coldly.

"It pains me Greatly to see him this way." She closed her eyes as he coughed again. "I.. I would end it for him myself.. But I don't think I could live with myself after." Her grey eyes stared at Garlan.

"I couldn't." He uttered.

"The sad thing is.. At some point I could" El looked away from Garlan's golden glance "that simply shows the contrast in our personalities."

"I will do it, if he doesn't go soon, and he appears to be in too much pain" El whispered "better I do it than someone else."

Garlan was silenced, what could he say to that, El was going to murder year childp, she'd worked so hard to save to hours previous.


Now the next chapter will be longer and very eventful.. So hang in their guys, I am so busy with school I hardly have time to write so I apologise.

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