Chapter fifty two, Winterfell.

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Chapter 52

Now this chapter is a lot shorter than the last couple, on account that I have my GCSEs in less than a week and I am crazy revising. But I will try to post AS OFTEN AS I CAN. hopefully I should be posting a new chapter every week like normal. 😀

Little bit of a plot twist, plus it's kinda following the season 5 storyline 😏


Conversations were icy and dry at best, between Elonar, Axel and Garlan, for the majority of the journey north. El chose the company of her children rather than the company of Garlan or Axel.El had taken six hundred men, four hundred northerners who, she'd brought down to Highgarden just over three months ago, and the rest Tyrell men, that we loyal to Garlan. For the last few miles of the journey, El rode out in front alone, until she saw the grey turrets of Winterfell, rise atop the snow coated hilltops.

Snow coated the rolling hills in a smooth dusting, arms their Winterfell stood, high towers, made of grey stone, and flags. Black red flags, not grey and white ones. By the time El had realised who's sigul was on the banners Garlan and Axel had caught up. "What the hell is going on?" She said coldly.

"Milady, I have no idea, I had word from my father last moon, he said everything was fine." Axel said, baffled.

"Leave 50 men here with the children, but the rest of us, will go see who seems to be inhabiting my castle" she said harshly sighing, "although I'm certain I have a pretty good idea" Without another Word El galloped down into the valley, and to Winterfells gates, she was greeted my the smallfolks gasps and wary glances, but still she rode on, into the gates of the castle itself, a group of men and a few woman stood awaiting her. None of the faces she recognised, from first glance.

"And who do you think you are?" El questioned, her hand protectively going to the hilt of her sword. Although she recognised him straight away, Roose Bolton, the traitor who killed Robb.."And what exactly are you doing in my castle?"

The eldest of the men, stepped forward, "Roose Bolton, Warden of the North, and you Elonar Stark.. We have met, once before. Right here actually in these walls." El remembered, very clearly actually. She remembered Brandon tallharts copper hair, and his wicked smirk, and she also the remembered the fight that followed.

"That would be queen to you" Axel interjected.

Roose Bolton laughed, "is it now, some little girl playing queen, in her castle."

El dismounted, "I am not a little girl" she said standing up straight and facing Lord Bolton, she narrowed her grey eyes. "What are you doing in my castle?" She repeated. Garlan and Axel stood behind her.

"As warden of the North, Winterfell is my castle." Roose Bolton smiled, bearing slightly yellowed teeth.

"As the Queen, we might have to disagree on that" El said coldly. "Why do you think you have any right to my castle, the Stark's have ruled the North for thousands of years, and you, the traitor who murdered my brother, and my mother, have the Balls to come live in my castle, while I was away."

"Tywin Lannister appointed me Warden of the North, after your brothers death."

"Well Tywin Lannister is dead" El retorted, god that sounded childish.. all she wanted to do was punch him, but that would cause a huge fight, which she was trying to avoid. "I am the queen in the North now, my brother was king, now all my other siblings are dead, therefore making me, the only living stark, aside from my children, the queen in the North. And you Roose, just a traitor, Lord of a minor house, and what right do you have to question your queen, let alone inhabit her castle." El hissed.

Roose laughed, "that's what you think"

"What do you mean?" She asked confused.

"What I mean is, you are not the only Stark child left." He smirked, and his group of men parted, revealing an all too familiar face, one El thought she'd never see again.

"Elonar" Sansa said, my voice was scarily the same. She was older, prettier, taller. But sure enough she was Sansa, the horrid older sister that El was only too happy to leave behind in the Capital, nearly 7 years ago.

"Sansa?" She questioned, through her bewilderment of seeing Sansa El almost forgot the situation at hand.

"Can we all just please go inside and save the fight for the morning.. I'm sure you are all exhausted from the journey" Sansa said. That same ring to her voice, an icy innocence, that now had something a lot more deadly in.

"I am not going inside any building, with him" El nodded to Roose and the other boltons.

"Oh Elonar don't be so childish, can we all try to be civil please" Sansa said, Axel sniggered loudly.

"Sansa, he murdered Robb, stabbed him in the heart. Or didn't they tell you that.." El said coldly to Sansa.

"Look, no one is going to kill anyone, because we are going to resolve this peacefully." Sansa said.

"This is why, some, women are not good queens, or lady's" Axel smirked, and Garlan nudged him, silent inch his sarcastic remarks.

"Sansas right, we all need to be peaceful and civil." Garlan said. He walked closer to El and took her hand in his and squeezed it tight,mot not only reassure her, but also warn her of how dangerous the situation is. "Shall we?" He said.

"Axel, a word?" El said before following Garlan, "the last time this many Starks were in a room with Roose Bolton, it was a bloodbath. Can you go and make sure my children are safe, take them to the tavern or something, Ser Francas is still with them? Make sure he's knows he situation and if things go bad here, tell him to take them South, to Highgarden." El hissed in his ear.

"And then shall I stay with them myself?" Axel asked.

"No, I want you back here, with me. I'm going to need you tonight" she said, he pulled away and nodded.

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