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the ending was a too corny, wasn't it?



I can't describe the amount of satisfaction I'm feeling right now because it took me a year and 2 months to finish this goddamn fanfic. Kitten is my first completed work, so I feel very proud of it, especially since I had fun writing it and also because it receives a lot of love. Coming from this small account, I would never expect THIS MANY readers *cries*.

I DON'T KNOW HOW TO THANK Y'ALL ENOUGH. ILY ILY ILY ILY ILY. I said in the intro that I love you with all my butt because my butt is bigger than my heart. Lemme emphasize it, MY LOVE FOR YOU IS BIGGER THAN MY OWN BUTT <3

To make it clear, I won't make any form of sequel to this book. It's ended and I have no intention to prolong it.

.... however

HOWEVER, I intend to make a prequel instead of a sequel. The prequel I'm talking about highlights the SeungJin couple because actually there's more to them, but I don't want to put it in this fic since I want to highlight MinSung. To be honest, the story of the SeungJin couple is more complicated than MinSung. Although if I made one, it would be much shorter than this one (there won't be that many chapters).

Like, don't you ever wonder why Seungmin is obsessed with pedophiles? No? Okay.

If you don't like the idea of SeungJin the prequel, then I don't have to make it. Right now I already have the base to their story, but that alone isn't enough for me to turn it into a fanfic. I still need to work with it more and I will consider it if you guys like the idea. I'll think about it.

Yes, I don't use drafts at all. I only write when I feel like it, so I plan to make shorter fics so that you guys don't have to wait too long. I learned from my mistakes.

In advance, I apologize for the grammatical errors, plot holes, spelling errors, and the rest of mistakes I made while writing Kitten.

Please know that I love you.

In conclusion, thank you for stopping by and please be my friend. I'm lacking human interaction.



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