Chapter 36: The Uchiha Prodigy [Shippuden]

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**Authors Note: 

Okay so just a heads up there may not be a new update for at least a week. As we are all aware the fight coming up is a huge point in the series, and as such I want to do it justice and make sure Rin's involvement still keep the arc strong.

So writing out the Asuma VS Akatuski battle will take extra care and I hope you'll enjoy it :)

I already have some of it written out its just a matter of tweaking, editing and finising it. So bear with me!

I will probably add some things to my Bonuses and Sneak Peeks to make up for it. Also let me know what you all think of that section so far? I know I only have one thing up but I'd like to know if it's something I should continue with or not. 

Thank you again for the congragulations. I feel very loved and I really enjoyed reading all the comments from the last chapter so keep them coming! 



In the end Zetsu had taken the body of the two-tails host to the extractions site. I had caught up with Hidan and Kakuzu no problem. Most of our walking was in silence which I didn't mind. Kakuzu was silent most of the time anyways and for the most part we got along for the sole reason I brought him a lot of business. Hidan was another story and the mere sound of his voice made my blood boil.

"Where are we going?" I finally asked.

"Fire Temple" Kakuzu replied.

"I thought we were hunting the other jinchuriki"

"We are. We just need to make a quick stop" I sighed. Nothing was quick with these two. They both were of course highly skilled and deadly in their own right but it was like spending time with a couple of grandpas, deranged grandpas but grandpas none the less.

"How long will this take?" I asked.

"Depends on who takes the fight" Kakuzu said simply. I sighed again. Hidan's ritual took hours even after his target was dead. Kakuzu took long as well but at least his was more interesting to see in action. I had already missed an entire battle and the frustration of a blank spot in my memory was getting me agitated. When I confronted Hidan about it again all he said was I wasn't there for a while, whatever the hell that meant.

"Are you sure this is the right place?" Hidan's voice broke me from my thoughts and I looked up at large doors.

"Wow, you weren't kidding when you said temple" I noticed kakuzu's fist darken as he stepped forward.

"I wasn't and I guess we'll just have to find out" He snapped his fist forward knocking clean through the doors and forcing them off their hinges. I stepped in slightly behind the two as the dust settled.

"These guys don't like they'd easily convert to the ways of Jashin" I rolled my eyes.

"This isn't the time to be talking about your cult Hidan" I said shortly and heard him curse. I jumped down from the fallen doors as the monks faced us.

"Those robes and the Princess, there can be no doubt"

"It's the Akatsuki!" I sighed as the panic in the air seemed to rise.

"Is Rin so hard to remember" I snapped. I heard Hidan snicker and would have shoved him if the monks hadn't started to make way for another. I recognized him, the new monk that was descending the steps of temple. His name was Chiriku; I had been new to the Akatsuki at the time and I couldn't follow through with the assassination. Madara put me through hell for that one.

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