Chapter 36

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"Clary now! We can't wait any longer," Jace urged as Serena and Clary finished drawing runes on the walls and windows of the room in an attempt to keep the demons at bay. Clary then reached into her messenger bag pulled The Mortal Cup from it.

"Demons, I command you! Find Valentine!" she yelled as she held The Cup high, but nothing happened.

If anything, their bangs and screeches grew stronger, as they managed to tear holes through the doors and Serena and Jace drew their weapons.

"Demons! Find Valentine!" she commanded again but was met with the same response.

"Let me try!" Michael insisted and Clary reluctantly handed him the Cup.

Michael Wayland exhaled deeply as his back was towards them, The Cup gripped tightly in his one hand.

"Come on," Jace said, and Michael turned. A wicked smile on his face as he held his blade and The Cup.

Serena was silent, but her face contorted in pain as her heart broke into thousands of pieces as Michael cut through his glamour rune with his blade, and fell to the ground in agony, still clutching The Cup.

"No. No!" Jace yelled as he reached for his sister who reached for him at the same time, both of them in search of support.

They watched as the glamour around him faded and he transformed into Valentine.

He rose to his feet, a triumphant look on his face as he held The Cup in the air, Serena and Jace ready to pounce, Clary behind them.

"Valentine," the twins snarled in unison, more enraged than ever as they learned that the person that killed their father had pretended to be their father.

"Demons... Attack my enemies!" Valentine yelled, but again, nothing happened.


The demons didn't obey as they fought to get into the room, some managing to push half their bodies through the holes in the cement walls they'd made.

"Knock it off, guys!" Clary called, and the demons became silent as they stopped trying to enter.

"You're not the only one who knows how to cast a glamour," Clary said as she pulled the real Mortal Cup from her bag, the one in Valentine's hand transforming back into the mug they'd used as a decoy.

Valentine smashed it to the floor.

"How did you know?!" he growled demonically, ironically.

Serena stepped forwards, swords in her hands that were limp at her sides as her face showed nothing but despair and betrayal.

"The Seelies never lie. And in the 10 years that our Father raised us, he never once said he was proud of us, no matter what we did. So, when you told me that you were proud of me for working with Downworlders, of all reasons, I had a feeling that something was off with you. And when I couldn't see through your glamour no matter how hard I tried, I prayed I was wrong. I prayed that I was just being paranoid. And the one time I wanted to be wrong, I was right," Serena laughed humourlessly as she explained, and a tear ran down her face.

"Shall we let the demons take care of this?" Clary asked.

"No! Send them away," Jace growled.

"He's ours," Serena said as she readied her swords.

"Demons, be gone!" Clary yelled and they obeyed.

You pretended to be our father!" Jace said, voice and face thick with rage.

"I wasn't pretending," Valentine said, almost earnestly.

"You murdered him!" Serena yelled.

"You're a liar!" Jace bellowed as he held his blade to Valentine's throat.

"I am your father, both of you! I always have been," Valentine said quickly and Serena became hollow at his words. Not knowing what to think or feel or say or do.

"The face you saw as Michael Wayland, was mine. Then and now. It was a glamour so powerful, no one ever noticed, enhanced with the most intricate magic so that not even Serena could see through it. I want you to know me, as I am. To know the truth about me....and both of you."

"Jace! Serena! Don't listen to him! He's my father too, we know that for a fact!' Clary said.

"Yes, that's true. That's a fact. I am your father Clary," Valentine said to the girl as Jace and Serena were both fighting tears.

But then he turned to Serena.

"And Serena's. "

He turned again.

"And Jace's." 

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