Chapter 45

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"Let's get this over with. I have better things to be doing with my time," Serena said, annoyed as she sat down on a couch, legs crossed as Aldertree leaned on his desk, a camera set up next to him.

"Very well," Aldertree said as the camera started recording. "Jace is your twin brother, correct?"

"Yes. Though I'm two minutes older."

"And you were under the impression that he tried to save you, the night he disappeared with Valentine?"

Her eyes lifted to him. "It's not an impression. It's a fact. If my little brother hadn't gone with Valentine, the High Warlock of Brooklyn, a vampire who is in Raphael Santiago's inner circle, and four of the best Shadowhunters in New York would be dead. Not only did my brother save our lives, but now he may even be able to get the Cup back."

Aldertree nodded. "The reports say though, that he acted out of character. That he was acting strangely in the hours before the mission. Care to comment on that?"

"We had just received some very unsettling news a day prior. While on a mission to rescue Jocelyn Fairchild, it was revealed that Jace and I were Valentine's children. That he pretended to be Michael Wayland in the years that he raised us and after everyone thought he was dead, before faking his death for a second time. We were both having quite the existential crisis about who we were in regard to the revelation."

"And yet, you're here and Jace isn't."

She narrowed her eyes at Aldertree.

"I don't know what you are insinuating, but I had nothing to do with my brother going with Valentine. I tried to stop him. And yes, we both had very different reactions to the news, but it doesn't change who we are."

"And who are you?"

Her grin was wicked.

"I am Serena Lightwood, if that doesn't tell you what you need to know then read my file. My accomplishments speak for themselves."

Aldretree's smile was odd, as if he was amused by her and hated her at the same time.

"I'd rather you tell me."

Serena sat forward as she uncrossed her legs then.

"Very well. I'll tell you who I am. Because I am the same person I have always been. I am Serena Annabella Lightwood. I am the Clave Envoy to Downworlders, I am one of the best Shadowhunters in New York. I am married to Alec Lightwood, who is the most skilled marksman in this country and likely in this world. My parabatai is Isabelle Lightwood, the Shadowhunter that can fight in heels better than most Shadowhunters can fight at all. My parents are Robert and Maryse Lightwood, they were crucial to the fall of the Circle and they raised me and gave my brother and I a home. And my brother is Jace Wayland. Whether that's his real last name or not, he is the best Shadowhunter in New York. And he would rather die than let the people he cares about get hurt. He would rather die than see a comrade get hurt. You want to know who I am? Well, I am the people around me. And the people around me are good people."

Aldertree's smile was either impressed or amused that he'd gotten the reaction he'd wanted out of her.

"I can see I've upset you when you're already on edge. I apologise. Let's move away from Jace. Let's talk about Clary. If Valentine's your father that makes her your sister."

"And your point is?"

"How do you feel about that?"

"It was a bit of an adjustment, but Clary and I get along pretty well. I don't mind her being my sister."

Aldertree then opened a tiny black notebook as he scribbled something down, his lips curved upwards, and Serena wanted to take that pen and stab him with it to wipe that irksome smile off his face.

"And Jocelyn? What about her as your mother?"

"I haven't spoken to Jocelyn yet. I've been rather preoccupied. "

More writing.

"I believe we're done here. Thank you, Mrs Lightwood. I promise you that we'll do everything we can to find your brother."

"I don't care about you finding my brother," Serena said and Aldertree froze just before he could turn off the camera.

He turned back to the blonde woman. "And why is that? I imagine that any concerned sister would want to find their brother?"

"I am capable of finding my brother on my own. I don't care about you finding him. I care about what you're going to do to him after we've found him. So, Aldertree, what are you going to do?"

His smile was tight.

"I believe we're done here. You are dismissed."

Serena stormed from the room.

She needed to punch something.

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