Chapter 139

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 The younger version of her younger brother led Serena to Jace's room where Alec and Izzy were already waiting.

"Rena, is that really you?" Jace asked, face more broken than Serena had ever seen.

"I'm real JJ, I'm here. I'm here to set the falcon free," she said as she hugged him, Jace crying into her shoulder, relief flooding him.

"Lilith showed me how she killed you," Jace whimpered.

"Well, she didn't show you how the angels saved me. I am right here Jacey."

Jace's parabatai rune then began to glow as they pulled apart, Alec quickly hugging Serena, relieved seeing as he walked into Jace's room with dozens of dead Clary's and Serena's on the floor.

"We have to go," Izzy said as she saw his rune.

"I can't," Jace cried as he took a step back.

"What are you talking about?" Alec asked.

"She's going to come for me. She's never going to let me go."

"We'll stop her, together. But we have to get out of here, we're running out of time," Alec persisted.

"You can' can't stop her. No one can," Jace whimpered. "There's only one way you can help me. There's only one thing you can do."

Jace then picked up a seraph blade, holding the hilt.

"Alec, I need you to kill me."

"What?" he responded, and Izzy looked on in shock.

"Please. I've tried. I've tried so many times. Please, Alec, I'm begging you. I need you to do this for me," Jace begged as he pushed the blade into Alec's hands, his own over his.

"Jace. No," Alec pleaded and Jace then turned to Izzy, but Serena kicked the blade from his hand as she gripped his face with hers. If anyone could get through to him it was Serena.

"You listen to me! I have not endured all I have to keep you safe only to be stopped by the mother of all demons. I have not watched you grow into a strong, brave, beautiful man, just to see you give up now. We did not survive Valentine and Jonathan just to be defeated by a little thing like Lilith. So, listen to me JJ! Let Lilith come. We may not have been able to save you from Valentine, but we will not stop until the falcon is free, and we've saved you from Lilith. Do you believe me?"

Jace didn't answer her as she pulled away, taking his hand and then taking Izzy's.

"Four go in," Izzy began as Alec took Izzy's hand and held one out to Jace.

"And four come out," Serena finished as they all looked to Jace who just stared at Alec's hand.

"Please don't let her take me again," Jace pleaded, and Serena wanted nothing more than to lock him away where he would be safe from any more harm.

"I won't. I promise," Alec said and Jace took his hand.

And they returned to the real world. 

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