Chapter 123

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(A/N: That's Serena's dress for this chapter and the next above. Hope you enjoy. XxD)


"Well, here we are," Magnus announced as they walked into the mansion, Serena and Alec in tow.

"Are you sure it's ok that we're here?" Alec questioned as the warlocks looked at the couple strangely.

"Well, baby, I am kind of obligated to be here and you vowed to always stand beside me, so now you can stand beside us in our suffering," Serena smirked as she fist-bumped Magnus.

"You may be the only Shadowhunters here at a party full of warlocks but that doesn't mean that you can't have fun," Magnus said as they walked.

"Easy for you to say. You've known these people for centuries. Even you've known them longer than me," Alec said first to Magnus and then his wife who was on his arm in a stunning blue evening gown, that matched her eyes, with a mid-thigh slit, her hair falling in blond waves as her lips popped with red lipstick and silver heels.

"You think that's a good thing?" Magnus asked with an almost disgusted look on his face. "Trust me. I don't wanna be here any longer than I have to. But it's tradition for the outgoing High warlock to pass the baton on to his replacement," he said as he glared at said replacement, Lorenzo Rey who was conversing with other warlocks.

"Is that him?" Alec asked as he spotted the trio.

"Unfortunately," Serena sighed as she put on a fake smile as the new High Warlock came over.

"Magnus. Magnus Bane. You made it," he said loudly as he passed out drinks. "Sweet Little Serena Herondale, envoy to the Downworld. How good to see you again. You look as stunning as ever. I expect we'll be spending much time together," Lorenzo said as he kissed her hand and she forced a smile.

"Pleasure to see you too, Lorenzo. I don't believe that you've met my husband, Alec Lightwood," she introduced as he turned to the raven with a tight smile.

"Yes, Alec Lightwood. Co-Head of the New York Institute. I expect we too shall be seeing a lot of each other at your Downworld cabinet meetings."

"Yes, I suppose so," Alec said grimly as they shook hands and Serena downed her entire drink as Lorenzo turned to Magnus.

"No hard feelings, right Bane?"

"On the contrary. I'm very content with my new position. Being the High warlock is a thankless job. Long hours, little pay. But I'm sure it doesn't matter to a young, civic-minded person like you," Magnus said, though his sarcasm was still evident.

"Oh, don't be so jaded. I may only be 484, but I'm no stranger to service. All those years working for the High Warlock in Madrid have prepared me well."

Lorenzo then turned to the couple. "Although, I may not be as easy on you as he was. After all, I'm here to serve the warlocks, not portal you around like some glorified shuttle service."

"We wouldn't have it any other way," Serena fake smiled again.

"In that case, I look forward to our next cabinet meeting. Especially if you're there," he said to Serena. "Enjoy the party."

And he walked off and Serena grabbed Alec's drink from his hand and downed it.

"By the Angel, there's no drink strong enough to make working with him tolerable," she muttered as she set the glass down.

"How do you know him again?" Alec asked almost jealously.

"A couple years ago there was this horde of Ravener demons attacking mundanes at a subway station on 14th street. He helped track them down. Every last one that escaped. Longest mission of my life."

"How come I didn't know about this?" Alec asked and Serena only placed a hand on his cheek.

"Baby, if I told you about all the Downworlders who've hit on me, you'd never let me work with any of them, and despite that, I actually like the job. But don't worry, I still come home to your bed every night."

He kissed her red lips as Magnus faux gagged before sipping his drink.

"So, who appointed him now?" Alec asked as he glared back at Lorenzo who was smiling and greeting other warlocks.

"No one. There was a vote," Serena explained as Alec hugged her to his side.

"And Lorenzo can be very charming, as long as you're into phony, no taste, egomaniacal pieces of -"

"Language," Alec chastised Magnus as he spied a young warlock running over to them.

"Alec," Madize called as she ran, and Alec scooped up the little girl.

"Madzie! My favourite little sorceress," he grinned as he spun her around, before setting her down and Serena was on her knees as Alec crouched down.

"Hi Madzie," she smiled as she hugged the young warlock.

"Hi Serena," the girl smiled as Alec crouched down and they began playing a little game with their hands as Magnus spoke with Catarina.

"Is there something wrong with your drink?" she asked Magnus. "Mine tastes weak as hell."

And then the room started to rumble.

"I can't control my magic," Catarina said worriedly as her skin glowed blue and warlocks all over were struggling to control as their hands sparked.

"I'm out of here man," called a warlock named Rufus, the one Valentine had kidnapped to try and portal him to Idris.

Rufus managed to make a portal, but instead of being gold, the swirling vortex turned red as it began to obliterate his arm.

Serena had held Madzie to her chest, trying to block her view of it all before the portal went rogue and started moving towards them, Alec jumping in front of the two girls before Magnus sent a burst of magic at it and it dissipated.

"What's going on?" Alec asked as he checked if Serena and Madzie were ok, the little girl still clinging to Serena's neck in fear.

The room was tense, and Magnus said, "I have no idea." 

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