Chapter 80

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"How long can you keep torturing him?" Clary asked as Inquisitor Herondale exited Valentine's cell, fresh from drawing the agony rune on his skin.

"As long as it takes," she answered.

"By all means, take your time. I want him to suffer for what he did to the Shadowhunters and the Downworld," Serena said as she enjoyed the sight of Valentine in chains.

"If you want the truth, why not just use the Soul-Sword?" Jace asked and Herondale gave him a look.

"Are you telling me how to do my job?" she asked in challenge.

"No," Jace answered quickly as the Inquisitor walked past them. "But you said you retrieved the Sword after the attack. I just don't understand why you wouldn't -"

"The rune your sister drew to deactivate the sword ended up damaging it in the process. It has been sent to the Iron Sisters to be purified," she answered. "You're Valentine's children. Tell me what you know," she ordered.

"Nothing," Clary answered. "Haven't we proven ourselves? Valentine attacked the Institute. We captured him."

"At what cost?" the Inquisitor spoke and that jarred Clary as she thought about all the things Serena had already prepared for. "By taking matters into your own hands, you've planted the seeds for rebellion in the Downworld. The Accords will be near impossible to maintain now."

She walked towards the elevator doors that her guards opened for her before turning to face the trio once more.

"Fall in line, or you'll end up like Aldertree in Idris facing reprimand."

She entered the elevator and two guards followed in, but just before the doors closed, Serena's hand got in the way.

"Inquisitor Herondale, a word please?" she asked with a smile.

"Make it quick, Mrs Lightwood."

As Serena jumped into the elevator, she met her brother's confused face, only sending him a wink in response and the doors slid shut.

"What is it you want?" the Inquisitor asked.

"I want you to be honest with me, Inquisitor, and I'll be honest with you."

"Honest about what?" the older woman asked as she turned to the blonde.

"The Soul-Sword. You don't have it do you?" Serena questioned and the Inquisitor pressed the emergency stop button on the elevator, making it freeze in place.

"Why would you make such an accusation?"

Serena's smile was arrogant.

"Because the information I have is valuable, it could tell you what Valentine might be after in the future. Not to mention that if you have any hope of restoring order with the Downworld, you'll need my help."

The Inquisitor sighed.

"You remind me a lot of my son," she admitted and for a moment Serena's smile faded as she felt for the woman.

"I am sorry for your loss," she said, and the words were followed by a wave of calm.

"It is no fault of yours but thank you. And yes, you are correct. The Soul-Sword is lost."

Serena nodded.

"Your secret is safe with me," she promised and then the Inquisitor's mask was back on.

"Now, what information do you have to offer me?"

"My twin and I, we are not Valentine's children."

Her eyes widened.

"Explain," she ordered, and Serena complied.

"When we apprehended Valentine, he held the Sword before it was deactivated, he spoke the truth. He admitted that we hold no blood relation to him whatsoever."

"And why did you not reveal this information sooner?"

"Because Clary doesn't know yet. And she thinks we're her family and we don't want to take that away from her just yet," Serena explained coolly, speaking the truth, just not all of it.

The Inquisitor said nothing as she pressed the button and the elevator moved for a second before the doors opened.

"Thank you for the company, Mrs Lightwood," the Inquisitor bowed her head and Serena stepped out, walking backwards as she bowed her head in return.

"My pleasure, Inquisitor Herondale." 

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