Hero of the Village!

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As per usual, I'd like to thank all you lovely readers. We've come so far, and all the kind comments make my day! Stay awesome, you guys! Now, back to Ninja Village!


"This is like a secret base. It's so exciting!" Bonnie exclaimed as our heroes were led through the caves in ninja village. Dedenne voiced its agreement through a happy chirp of its name, seated atop the girl in costume's head.

"You guys have natural caves as your home?" Serena asked Sanpei, rubbing her exposed arms and shivering. "How are you not freezing to death? Besides, it's kinda creepy..."

Pine and Shadow both elbowed her, the former hissing, "Jeez, cultural insensitivity much? Just because a way of life is different than yours doesn't make it weird."

"Actually, I think they look really comfortable places to live," Clemont added onto the conversation, further countering Serena's claim.

"Nestled into the earth, torches casting warm light onto the walls, a soft echo behind every sound... I almost forgot how homey this place is!" Crystal gushed, nearly dancing with excitement as she bounced from side to side. Sanpei opened a wooden sliding door of the cave after another minute of walking, leading everyone inside.

"Here! Welcome to my room! please, come right on in!"

It had certainly changed in the years since Zenith and her sisters had last visited. The bookshelves once full of fairy tales and nursery rhymes were now lined with chapter books about daring adventures and guides for techniques only ninjas could hope to perfect, the bright-colored posters and bedspreads now colored with softer, more earthy tones, and from the walls now hung hooks, a calendar, and a few large tapestries with ancient tales passed down through generations in Ninja Village woven in.

All in all, it spoke to Sanpei's increased maturity and growth, while still seeming like a relatively normal room for a growing boy. Bonnie remarked as much, almost seeming a bit disappointed it wasn't more ninja-like, but as Dedenne hopped down from her head and Sanpei opened a window, she brightened up a bit, looking around and even comparing it to Clemont's, minus all his wacky inventions.

"There's nothing like being home," Sanpei sighed as he took in a breath of fresh air from the window, Greninja at his side agreeing. Meanwhile, Ash's Frogadier took notice of the picture sitting on one of the ledges carved into the wall, showing Sanpei with his family and their Pokemon, back when his own Greninja was just a Froakie.

Ash followed his Pokemon's gaze, also glancing at the photo. "Hey, look at that! It's Froakie! You took this before you left?" He asked Sanpei without turning around, the others gathering around to look at the picture as well.

"Yes, to remember things as they were then." He picked up the picture. "My goal is to become the best Pokemon trainer in the village. But, I couldn't defeat my brother Nihei. It's clear: I won't stand a chance against Ippei, either. I still need to train a lot more," he explained, shooting them a sheepish smile.

"I'm sure you'll do great, Sanpei!" Crystal reassured him. "You and Greninja have already grown so much since our last visit. Back then we were just another group of young Pokemon trainers, but through hard work we made it so much further than we ever could have imagined. I have no doubt you can do the same!"

"Your technique in battle has greatly improved," Pine agreed. "Give it some time, believe in your partner and yourself, and I'm sure you'll go far. Who knows, maybe achieving that dream of yours isn't too far into the future after all."

Sanpei blushed as he put the picture back. "Thanks, guys; it really means a lot, especially coming from Pokemon Masters like you. I'll do my best!"

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