Recap #33: HEY MOTHERFU-

301 48 106

Info Gatherers: KingChocoFacialHair, BirdLover345, ItzNotCarippsa

Writers: KingChocoFacialHair, ItzNotCarippsa

Editors: BirdLover345, EminenceGhost

Hello my queens, kings, and any royalty in between! WE ARE BACK! Now, do give us a little bit of time to get back into the Recap mindset, because we did take a large break, and getting back into the writing style can take a second. Thank you for understanding!

Now, first off, you may have noticed that we have added two new writers to the team! Welcome, BirdLover345 and EminenceGhost! You can call them Pere (Bird) and Crocs / Avery (Ghost) respectively. We are excited to have new members on the team! Make sure you all welcome them all. These lovely humans are doing their first recap right now actually!

Now, let's get on with the show!

First off, as always, we have the milestones! enby_ofdoom hit 69 Followers (a truly amazing accomplishment, very cool), and is getting extremely close to 3k reads on their AU ideas, fanart, prompts, etc. book. NinjaKitty1928 has hit 150 followers, King_Goose has hit 195 followers, WelshKitsune hit 200 followers, Rainbow8Drops hit 100 followers, Stressed-Bean has hit 180 followers (let's try to get them to 200!), BlueQuills_has hit 150 followers, and HermitcraftSnake has hit 300 followers. Congrats guys!

Along with that, NinjaKitty1928's book "Redemption" has hit over 30k reads, and BlueQuills_ book "DreamSMP and Hermitcraft Oneshots'' has hit over 6k reads. Along with that, MayaTheWatcher's book, "Banished", hit 13k reads. Amazing jobs!

Now, moving on from all those milestones, we will be turning to look at some of the glorious books you all have been working on!

First off, we have the wonderful story "Breaking Friendships", by wonderous ThiccKitty8. This story is about Evil!Xisuma's desire to hang out with his brother, Xisuma again, and resorts to some good old-fashioned relationship sabotage to try and guarantee his brother's attention.

Another wondrous piece that was updated is "Birdnapped'' by OdalverseCrew314, (a oneshot in their Magic Fools AU) where Impulse, Tango, and Zedaph reunite and promptly cause chaos. I won't spoil anything, but the plot is truly spectacular, and I would recommend checking it out!

BlueQuills_ has done it again, making an incredibly cute oneshot from their DreamSMP and Hermitcraft Oneshot book called, "Sweet Dreams'', where all the hermits notice that Xisuma isn't at a party and set out to find him. Cute fluff ensues!

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