Recap 30: Sipping on Hot Cocoa While the World Burns

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Info Gatherers: XyeLysian, ItzNotCarippsa, Casuallyy
Writers: characterized-cheese, , XyeLysian ,KingChocoFacialHair
Editors: KingChocoFacialHair

Why hello there everyone! I hope you all have been having wonderful Decembers and are looking forward to the coming month. We are sorry for the delayed recap, we weren't able to finish it yesterday so we decided to finish it up today! Thank you for all of your never-ending patience.

We got some news for you all this week, so we hope you enjoy it all!

First up we have some lovely follower milestones! This week there surprisingly weren't very many, but we still listed them down.

We have Lily_Sophitz4Life with the 80, VintageBee_ with the 100,MayaTheWatcher with the 180, Whimsy__Cal with the 200, and CasualLattice25 with the 300! Congratulations, you guys deserve it!!

Secondly, we have some lovely book milestones!!! Once again, we don't have very many, but that doesn't make them any less important!

We have YourFriendWillow with the 1k reads on their 'Other Reality Oneshot/Info' book (I'd recommend checking that out, together with the original 'Other Reality' book!), and @chaotic_charlie with the 20k reads on their Grian oneshot book! Congrats guys!!

A special congrats to Google_Foogle for reaching the one year anniversary on Wattpad! Thanks for sticking around Foogle! <33

A new thing has made its way into the Hermittpad, that being PodFics! Casuallyy has posted their first podfic in their book "Assorted Hermitcraft, Hermittpad, and Wattpad''! For those of you who don't know what that is, it's basically an audiobook, but fanfiction. I highly suggest checking this out, as this idea is an absolutely wonderful one :D Follow Hermittpad-PodFics for more updates in the future!

TheNerdyTurtle96 updated "Remembering Rosie", one of their newest books! I absolutely adore what they have written so far, I decided to take a peek at it while writing the recap, and oh my goodness, they are super good! They have extremely good flow and pacing, and I really like the way they show the character's different personalities and traits. We are excited to see where this is all going!

_adrilia_ has been working on a Countdown to Christmas of their own! Make sure to check out her oneshot book so you can read through her amazing works of writing. We mention her quite a lot, so it's probably no secret to you all that we absolutely adore her works (which is quite deserved!)

ItzLarissa has also been hard at work on a Countdown to Christmas of their own since the beginning of December! Please go check it out, I bet it's amazing!

(Along with that, we also have released our own Christmas Prompt list! If you want to, you can tackle it and see how everything comes out! We are excited to read anything you may write.)

Now, Christmas themed stories aside, OdalRune314 gave a little backstory for the founding of Convex in one of their recent one-shots! We recommend you all to go check it out, Odal has delivered a magnificent headcanon to us all!

SharkBait_13_23 wrote some late-night drabbles for their oneshot book, which we just love, amiright?

The Captain of angst, Ariyaquila, has blessed us with some wonderful Evil X fanfiction! This was a vent fic, and we can't thank Ariyaquila enough for making us sob.

Shmyrm came up with an extremely cool admin AU concept! We absolutely adore this one, and would suggest checking it out in their lovely one-shots book!

radiant-kitty has delivered us our lovely dose of Joe and Cleo flangst, which is just perfect thank you I did want to cry while being happy at like 4 am man.

Thank you to all these wonderful book writers for making Hermittpad what it is! These are all amazing authors, and we 100% suggest you try checking them out!

Mentioning books, ChampionMa100 has decided to wrap up her Hermitcraft one-shots book. Thank you for everything you've written for this fandom and know that you'll always have a place in Hermittpad regardless! <3

Cactiivx is taking a small break, expect to see them back soon! Have a good break, we love you man!

On the topic of breaks, Ashfurl9 will be leaving Wattpad for the time being. We wish you happy travels in whatever fandoms you join next!

However, on the opposite topic of breaks, Deeeerply has returned! Welcome back, we missed you, man!

On a completely unrelated note, ConfusionYT was given a Venus Flytrap by their mother. Everyone on the Hermittpad Recap Team thought that it was worth adding to the recap.

Yesterday was the last MCC of season 1! We're looking forward to what the future MCC's may bring :D!

And to end off this recap in a happy mood, Happy Hanukkah to those who celebrate! And happy holidays to those who don't! No matter what you celebrate or believe in, everyone is welcome on Hermittpad!

Just a small reminder, the Hermittpad Community discord link is in our bio, it is a very welcoming (and chaotic) community, and we may be hosting a winter-themed art competition soon! Join today if you are interested, it's super fun to be apart of.

And along with that small reminder, there is another reminder that Hermittpad Recap applications are always open! Along with that, you can submit things to be recapped in the link in our profile description.

And with that, thank you for reading! It's no secret the recap has been struggling to keep its head above the water lately, but we are trying our best and I promise we will succeed in the end! Thank you all!

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