Recap #38: Counting Down The Days 'Til Summer

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Info Gatherers: KingChocoFacialHair, BirdLover345, saphixe
Writers: EminenceGhost
Editors: BirdLover345

Hello everyone! Welcome to another amazing week of Hermittpad! I hope you are all doing well :D

Before we get into the bits of the recap, we have a very important announcement. After months of hard work on the recap, KingChocoFacialHair has decided to retire from the team. Thank you so much for everything you've done, King! We love you a lot and deeply appreciate all that you've done for the recap and the community as a whole. Let's all give King the proper and warm send-off that they deserve. <3

Onto the fanfiction!

To start us off we have Milo_Morningstar bringing us a Grumbo oneshot. Titled Being Human, it features Angel!Mumbo. He finds himself in a small town (Hermitville-esque) and has to hide his true identity. After some time, he finds himself opening up to a certain dirty-blond-haired gremlin.

Evil Xisuma sends the hermits to different fantasy stories, and Grian is forced to travel between them to try and get his friends back in thathermitweirdo's book, Broken Fairytales!

EmberDragon34 did a writing challenge this week! In this oneshot, a bee's sting causes permadeath. As the death of the server seems imminent, the only chance of surviving is to bee prepared. Ha ha. Geez guys don't be such a buzzkill.

Don't Forget by Slothinati99 is a Renskall oneshot set in a College AU! Iskall tries to find the courage to come out to their family (mood -Ghost) and Ren is waiting to support them no matter what happens.

PowderMcMc has fulfilled a request by RachelGreenery to write a semi-crack Watcher crossover! Swing on over to their book to see how the Hermits defend against a Watcher invasion!

After a bit of a break, Anon1909 has returned! Make sure to mind the warnings if you decide to dive into her latest EX angst oneshot! Glad to see you back and writing again Anon! :)

And now for some funky fresh milestones!!!

Hermits at Hogwarts, written by wolfygurl1099 aka CaptainMarra has hit 1k reads! :D

Congratulations to XandeaTheWatcher for hitting 70 followers! That's one more than the funny number!

As of May 9th, ItzNotCarippsa aka Carrie has been on Wattpad for a whole year! Time sure does fly when you're writing fanfiction, amirite fellas?

Do you know who else has been on Wattpad for a year? Maddiefox540 has! Thank you both for sticking around for this long!

Sixth_bright_shiner has hit a whopping 200 followers! Congratulations!!

And for our final milestone of the week, the Hermitcraft Aus book by Nayl0r has hit 3k reads! :D

There are also a handful of announcements!

CinnamonViper announced meeting their aunt's puppy! I (Ghost) could feel the serotonin from the community post and I think y'all need to as well.

After writing the Xisuma centered angst story Colorless for over a year and a half, interstellarrainboe has decided to discontinue it. Thank you for writing it for so long! You're amazing <3

Go check out adrilxa 's DTIYS (Draw This In Your Style) and if you think you recognize their username that's because you do know them! They've just changed it! :D

Itz_Larissa has put her books on hiatus to get herself more organized and take a well-deserved break. Take all the time you need and we'll see you when you return Larissa! :)

And in case you missed it- Stress has made a return to Hermitcraft! Go watch her new video! (If you have the time of course) Let's pretend she can hear us and all give her a welcome back! Welcome back Stress! :D <3

Finally, don't forget that recap applications are OPEN for those of you interested in applying! Even if you've already applied in the past, feel free to apply again! We're actively searching for new members of the team and would love to have you aboard! Please check out the linktree in our - finally fixed - bio! Additionally, the form is open as always for you to submit anything recap-worth you believe we may have missed! Your contributions are always appreciated. :)

That's it for today and now I must finish homework I've pushed off because quite frankly writing hermitfics has officially taken over my life. And maybe it's all about the same pairing but YOU CAN'T PROVE ANYTHING.


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