Recap #99.5: We... we still have time to make a special recap :'D

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Info Gatherers: YourFriendWillow, MushroomFearie, helicopter_stansulfur_loaf
Writers: helicopter_stan, EminenceGhostYourFriendWillow
Editors: editing is so like.... october 16th ago :vomit:

Hello Hermittpad, and welcome to another week of this hell :'D! We are definitely not starting this on Sunday, no, because we are responsible recappers who have the best perception of time! In all seriousness, welcome to another recap! We got some amazing books for you all to check out, so I hope you guys do :D!

Friendly reminder that this is the last week to apply for the recap, so please consider :DDDD (if you couldn't tell, we need people </3)

We're starting off strong with an update to A Rift Through Worlds by MurtoK! This chapter does have some trigger warnings, so do keep those in mind! All we'll say is this chapter demonstrates what could happen when we let curiosity get the best of us. :)

Frostytales11's Villain AU updated this week! All forms of happiness and peace are forced to a screeching halt when a... spicy gift is dropped from above! Is there any way to stop it, or will the hermits simply have to... adjust?

Chapters 23, 24 and 25 of agrace932YT's MCYT/Hermitcraft book was put up this week! The grind doesn't seem so stop for this author and we congratulate you on that! Everyone seems to be getting along for the time being, but what happens when a new piece is placed on the board in the shape of a rift?

Evolution in Time by AriaGuardian updated this week with its 7th chapter! This fic explores the idea of Xisuma being involuntarily thrusted back in time to EVOsmp, and he bumps into someone unexpected! In the most recent update, some hermits are concerned about the whereabouts of their admin!

Insane is the name of the latest chapter of Fallen s. III: A Fallen Angel by Phantom_Nightz! As the book title alludes, yes this is a continuation in a series! So make sure you've read the others before catching up on this one! As in this book, Grian is ready for revenge.

On the topic of Grian, areyray has updated their Grian Angst book with the third part of Healing Feathers! Grian is feeling better than before and it seems Scar has plenty of support to help him! But this can't last forever. ):

ButterFlies77Writes has updated The Shadow's Acid! The latest chapter begins with a little trigger warning but minding that, this update brings to light possible suspects! However it's going to take more than a few hunches to find the real culprit!

A Crown of Broken Runes by TheJadedDragonArts marches on with another update! For those unaware, this book is being reposted from Ao3! So those who read across platforms may find this one familiar! As for this chapter, Ren has to grapple with comprehending something he once assumed to be only a myth becoming a reality!

Scar is stuck and slowly begins to convince himself that no one cares in the latest oneshot by Poro_Raine, Stuck In-between! Will Grian and/or others find him? Will someone feed Jellie while he's gone? He doesn't know and you won't either unless you read!

For those missing some ClockDuo action, EminenceGhost has you covered with a new oneshot! In Saving You [There's No Need] Impulse debates self-sabotaging his latest recon mission to protect his husband!

Hidden Within is the title of EvolvedGlitch's newest story! We started off in the EVOsmp with Grian, who is preparing to raise the dead! Who knows where this brand new fic will take us?

King Ren is under suspicion by Grian in a new AU book titled Side Swept by Coltssfoot! With all the strange happenings around, he has reason to believe the kingdom's ruler is behind it all, and he's not alone in this theory!

Moving on, we have some milestones for this week!

microwaving_snickers hit the 50 follower mark recently! Congratulations <3

Thysted celebrated their one year anniversary in Hermittpad! That's huge :O! And welcome to the old squad <3

ThatOneCandor reached 150 followers! Wooo!

SparklingWonderQueen Xelqua Rising hit 15k reads, 1k votes, and is the number one tag for Hermitcraft! Goodness, that's a lot, but all well deserved!

Also big shout out to the hermits for the awesome charity event they're hosting today! They've managed to raise quite a lot of funds for the project as well :D (which was around $350k at the time of writing this). Go support it if you can!!

Before we go we have our question of the week! So, what are you going to be for Halloween this year?

And you thought we were going to end this recap without acknowledging it's number 100? Well you thought wrong! Seriously, we can't thank you guys enough for the constant support. Through the fun, crazy, long hiatuses, this recap wouldn't be what it is without the people reading it. We truly believe we have a strong community here on Wattpad and it's honestly something so special. I'd like to believe the Hermitcraft Recap Team would be impressed by how much we've done and we hope you all stick with us with all that's to come! Including that event book which, don't worry, will be here before you know it! Though don't forget, you'll be able to host your own events through the book too, not just us! And if you ever want to chat with us or your fellow hermitpadders outside of wattpad, join our discord! :D

It's crazy to think we've done this a hundred times, but that doesn't mean we're stopping anytime soon! We'll always try our best to keep you guys updated on the happenings here on wattpad, and although sometimes when we upload may not be the best of times, we're trying! Whether you used to be on the team, still are, or a trial member right now, thank you for the help. Every word written, every announcement bulleted really counts and we hope we've helped you guys find new accounts to give your love and support to!

Now although this may not have been the crazy 100 recap special you might've expected, this is when we turn to y'all for help. What would you like for us to do? Another Q&A, exposing Azael's deepest secrets (/j I don't think they'd ever) (well now that you say that, i must, to spite you), give us your thoughts! :D

So, because we didn't come up with anything special- we are pretending this isn't actually the 100th haha- indulge us in our mistake please :'D

And with that, thank you so much for reading! We love you guys, until next time! :) <3

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