Part 26: Back and Better Than Ever!~

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Info Gatherers: KingChocoFacialHairCasuallyy
Writers: KingChocoFacialHair, ItzNotCarippsaXyeLysianCasuallyy
Editors: KingChocoFacialHairItzNotCarippsaXyeLysian

Hello everyone! Sorry for the 2 week break, we really needed that so we could work out a schedule, make new links, and more. We are very thankful that you all have stuck by our sides throughout this all! We appreciate each and every one of you, and we all are working as hard as we can to get the Recap back up!

Also, we would like to mention that Ash (Ash_InTheFlames) has left the recap's arms to bloom into a beautiful butterfly and fly into the night. They were my newbie buddy (this is Smutler speaking) and honestly, I'll miss them. Thank you for the memories Ash!

Also, another very important announcement was made by Qgears, who says "mmm... monkey", and I can't help but agree with this rousing speech. Thank you Qgears!

Once again starting off with our milestones, we have Seanathan26 with 40 followers, JustAlterion with 69 followers (haha funny number, remember to like and subscribe for more of our terrific humor), MissSciFiNerd111 and anonyrounmellow both with 90 followers, AHyperFerret with 100 followers, Maddiefox540 with 105 followers, MayaTheWatcher with 110 followers, *sharp inhale of air* characterized-cheese with 130 followers, ARavenInATrenchCoat with 245 followers, Skys26 with 375 followers, One12347 reaching 20 followers, and IAmRedXD with 500 followers.

You thought we were done? Far from it, actually.

VintageBee_, Seanathan26, and characterized-cheese hit 1k, 3.3k, and 9k reads on their oneshot books respectively, ARavenInATrenchCoat with 6.5k reads on their oneshot book, too, fissykitty45 hitting 9.3k reads on their collection of HC stories, Casuallyy with 10k reads on their Bdoc Oneshots book, Milo_Morningstar 20k reads on their book of Grumbo oneshots, Ariyaquila reaching 100k reads on "Someone Named Xelqua", *another sharp intake or air* MayaTheWatcher got 1.6k views on their story, "Banished", KitGD_ got 1k reads on "Hels | a Hermitcraft AU", and last but not least, _adrilia_ hit 1k reads on her art book - for a 1k reads special, she did a redraw of one of her much earlier art pieces!

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