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Authors note: A shout to @Fujiyuki_23 for boosting the Discord server. It definitely isn't needed since the Discord server is just a place for all of you to chat ^_^! Nevertheless, I would like to express my gratitude to that person. This chapter is dedicated to them!

Inside the mind of Xue, most of the soul fragments were in a frantic mess. Just as they were in awe and horror at how Veau and Zeau managed to overcome both K'xug and Xue, Veau had actually expelled Xue's consciousness out.

Just like how it hurt Xue in an excruciating manner, the soul fragments inside him experienced the same pain. 

They didn't have enough time to recover, when the ash-blonde haired man appeared out of nowhere and was tossed right onto them. 


"What the--"

Shin and Alric did not manage to get away in time, acting as the cushion for Xue. 

They all crowded around Xue, glancing down at him. He was barely conscious and he reached his hand out, grabbing onto his nearest soul fragment. 

It was Kai. 


Xue collapsed right onto Shin and Alric. They were still, unfortunately, acting as his cushion. 

Shin pushed the bigger man off him, a frown creasing his forehead. 

Alric was in a panic, not knowing whether he should push Xue off, or whether he should allow himself to become the cushion for him. 

However, if he were to look at it rationally. He was technically using himself as a pillow. 

Leonaut was laughing languidly, dragging out the flustered Alric underneath Xue. 

"I thought you would faint again."

"I--I don't faint over something li-like that!" Alric answered helplessly.

Leonaut smirked. "Is that so?"

Shin stared at the unconscious Xue, rubbing at his arm. "Heavy."

"Leave it to us, Xue!" Kai grinned toothily, patting Xue on the back. "Especially when it concerns Cecil!"

Since the man was unconscious, there was no response from him. 

The only response Kai received was a yell and sounds of struggling behind him. At the far end of the lobby area, there was a strange, bright opening.

Isleif was struggling to reach for that opening and Zasiok was persistent in blocking his way. They were engaged in a full-on fight and Zasiok was getting the upper hand. 

"What is that?" 

"I-it looks like a-a...door?" 

Leonaut looked at Isleif and Zasiok still fighting. "Or a way out." 

"Because Xue is unconscious," Shin looked back at Xue on the ground. "No one is occupying the body right now." 

"Looks like even our young self is smart," Leonaut smirked, patting Shin on the head. "Smart boy." 

Shin grimaced, smacking Leonaut's hand away. "Do not pat my head." 

"Hey, stop standing there and hold this guy back!" Zasiok yelled at them from the end of the lobby area. "Whoever goes out of that opening will gain control over the body! And this guy here knows it!" 

Kai and Alric rushed over. 

Shin walked behind them with a frown. 

Leonaut followed behind as well, but there was a glint in his eyes. 

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