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Cecil glanced down at Veau from her cage, seeing the odd expression on Veau's face. During the entire time she had seen him, this was her first time seeing such an unguarded look on his face. 

It made his attractive yet feminine features seem more charming. 

Veau stepped forward, taking the scroll from Mir's hand and he opened it, reading its contents. 

Cecil was in a perfect position to peek at the contents of the scroll. Alas, it was written in the language from the heavenly and demon realm, which she could never understand.

However, whatever was written on the scroll clearly captured Veau's attention.

[ Translation in progress...
Please wait while we configure it into your language... ]

[ Translation completed! 
Please take a close look at the scroll, Cecil Lan~ ]

The contents suddenly appeared in a language that she understood, and Cecil blinked in shocked. 

"I, Edmund, the Supreme God, chosen by the heavens, hereby declare that the angel, Eona, be--"

Cecil and Hana let out a tiny shriek, the cage around them had disappeared. Cecil was interrupted from her reading session, and she gasped, looking up as she saw Veau clutching the scroll in his hands. 

"Where did you get this from?" Veau asked softly, his usual relaxed and lazy tone gone.

"After the war, the demons invaded the heavenly palace and destroyed it completely. There was a hidden room in the archives and a seal was placed over it, where only an angel was allowed inside. The room is the only place standing in the palace, and it is completely indestructible."

Veau let out a breathy laugh, though it was without humour. 

"That old bastard, he should have just quietly remained dead," Veau lifted the scroll up, disintegrating it with his dark magic. "Why did he have to make a hidden room in the archives, and be so protective over it?"


"Don't speak of that name." Veau growled out menacingly, his eyes back to his demonic form.

In that split second, Mir threw something at Veau, and Veau blocked his attack. The next second, Mir appeared by Hana's side and Cecil reacted too slowly, reaching out to grab Hana but she only grabbed empty air. 

Before anyone knew it, Mir appeared was at edge of the cliff, holding Hana captive. 

Hana gasped, recovering from her shock of travelling within a short distance so quickly. 

"Let me go!"


Isleif and Xue stopped fighting. 

Veau took a second to process the situation before he sighed. "You angels have always enjoyed scheming."

"Supreme God." 

Xue panted lightly, narrowing his eyes at Mir. 

"Once the Supreme Goddess walks past this fog, I assure you, her memories will return, and so will her powers." 

"Don't you dare--"

"Everything will go back to normal." Mir lowered his head. 

Mir spun around with Hana in his arms, wanting to push her forward towards the fog. Somehow, he seemed confident that she wouldn't fall through the fog, that would ultimately lead to her death. 

Second Lead Syndrome (1-187) | ✓Where stories live. Discover now