Chapter 78

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(A/N: Another chapter 'cause why the hell not? Hope you enjoy. XxD)


"A sight to see," Aldertree smirked as Serena and Jace waltzed into the Institute with Valentine in cuffs. "Valentine Morgenstern in the custody of the Clave, where you will rot for your remaining days. Where is the Soul-Sword?"

"I have no idea," Valentine answered and for once Serena didn't want to slap the smug smile of Aldertree's face as he said, "Our interrogation techniques have...improved since you were one of us."

"You can torture me all you want. I don't know where it is."

"Don't believe a word he says," Jace ordered as the twins moved to face Valentine.

"What else have you lied about?" Serena asked through gritted teeth.

"The one thing I have never lied about, is my love for you both."

Both of them scoffed before Jace called over some Shadowhunters to take Valentine away and Serena faced Aldertree.

"I have never asked you for anything. And you owe us big time. So, the least you can do is make him pay for all the Downworlders he killed. Painfully."

The smile Aldertree gave her was genuine as he nodded his head.

"For once, I will comply with your request, gladly."

Serena breathed out a sigh of relief as he walked off and she turned to her brother.

"If you try to be a martyr again, I will kill you myself," she said into his shoulder as she hugged him.

"I don't doubt you," Jace exhaled as they parted, and Serena held his face in her hands.


"Go where?"

"Go to Clary. We're not Morgenstern's. I don't know what we are, and frankly, I don't care, but you got your wish. Clary is not your family, never was. Looks like you're stuck with just me. Go to her, baby brother. Be happy."

Jace let out a breathless laugh as he smiled, and he kissed his sister's cheek and went in search of the girl he loved.


She turned to see Alec and relief coursed through them both as she ran at him, legs wrapping around his waist as they held each other so close that not even air could fit between them.

"Oh, by the Angel," he said as his hand rested on her head before she pulled back and their lips met. "I couldn't find you. I knew you were still alive, but I couldn't find you anywhere. I panicked. I-I-I-"

Serena cut him off with her lips.

"I am right here. A couple scratches, bruises, things that are definitely going to be sore tomorrow, but I'm right here."

More kisses.

"What happened? Where did you go? When I got to the power core, Clary and Simon said you and Jace were gone."

"We went after Valentine," she explained, and Alec's eyes widened as he set her on her feet.

"You what?!"

His wife only smirked at him. "And not only is he in Clave custody, but the Soul-Sword has been deactivated. It's missing but it can never cause a massacre like today again," she said somewhat solemnly, but Alec only gaped at her.

"Did you also make a Downworlder Consul and kill every demon in existence?" he asked sarcastically, and she laughed.

"No. But, I found out that Jace and I aren't Valentine's children."


"He was holding the Soul Sword, he couldn't lie. He said that he is not our father. Jocelyn is not our mother. And Clary isn't our sister."

"So, who are your biological parents?"

Serena sighed. "I have no clue. And I don't care. The Lightwoods are the only family I need. "

Once again, their lips met.

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