Chapter 106

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Serena had been quiet all morning.

After last night, she'd only told Alec some of the things that had happened to her, the lighter things and he'd been both heartbroken and unbelievably angry. Angry that someone could even think of doing things like that to Serena who was such a loving and caring person despite all the horrors that had happened to her. So, after she'd fallen asleep, he'd read two of the journals about her that Jace had given him, front to back.

Alec had never been more determined to make Valentine pay in his life.

He'd insisted that she take the day to herself, but she refused. Being the stubborn woman she was, she refused to take the time, rather choosing o bury herself in work. Albeit with a little less commentary and sarcasm but returned to work, nonetheless and Alec hadn't left her side once.

The couple had just informed Clary and Jace about the disappearance of the Soul-Sword after telling Max that the Clave approved him for his first mission.

That was the secret Robert held over Imogen, the secret that Alec already knew as his wife had told him. 

But things were falling apart after the discovery that Jonathan was alive and likely the person that helped orchestrate Valentine's escape, and the duo needed to know.

Because if Valentine combined the Sword with the Cup and the Mirror, he could raise the angel Raziel and make a wish.

One wish.

Resulting in the end of the Downworld as they knew it.

Precisely why Serena had told the Downworlder's about the Sword the second she learned what could be done with it. And while she forbade them to tell Shadowhunters of her deeds, she had predicted their reaction to the news correctly. The Downworlders had doubled their efforts in locating Valentine in order to use the Sword to kill him first, while Serena and the Shadowhunters took care of Valentine's son.

They had tried to use Jocelyn's box of keepsakes to find Jonathan, but they were all gone, stolen by someone.

Serena was sitting on the sofa in her and her husband's office reading progress reports about demon activity through the city, Alec working at his desk when Izzy stormed in.

"You're not sending our little brother out into the field," she declared as she slammed shut the open balcony doors and turned to face the two, Alec now standing.

"You know better than anyone how good Max is. His simulation scores are off the charts," Alec said.

"That's a simulation! I'm talking about the real world," Izzy retorted in disbelief.

"Max has had his Rune Ceremony. It's standard to get orders after that, just like we did when we were his age," Alec defended.

"It was different back then. We weren't fighting Valentine."

"Izzy -"

You weren't there that night with Kaelie. He came this close to dying," Izzy said.

"I was there. And do you know what I found? Max was already halfway into cutting through his binds," Serena said as she stood and faced Izzy. "And how many times have we all come close to dying? It comes with the job, Iz. And the more he's out in the field the more he can learn to protect himself."

"You wanna let him go?" she asked in disbelief.

"Iz, look, he's going to get his first mission sooner or later. And I'd rather it be sooner while we are all here to keep an eye on him."

Izzy then turned back to Alec, who said, "Max is a soldier, just like us. It's time we start treating him like one." 

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