New Year's Eve 2021

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Matt's POV: As I stand in the bathroom on New Year's Eve morning 2021, I smile since Gabby just so happens to also be there giving Matteo a bath while I brush my teeth. "You know, we could have always asked Eva to give him a bath when we drop him off at Antonio and Sylvie's place in an hour." Gabby then turned to look at me. "Matt, just brush your teeth and go get dressed. I am not going to give up my last opportunity to bathe him during 2020." I nodded and agreed as I went to spit before putting my toothbrush down. 

I then walked over to her and bent down to kiss her head. "He's 4 months now." Gabby nodded and looked up at me. "Yes, now are you wearing white or grey tonight?" I thought about it and smiled. "I am going to wear grey. White tomorrow morning." Gabby agreed and smiled. "Good idea. Firefighter shirt again?" I nodded and smiled. "I know I'm no longer a firefighter but...I still like to pretend like I am part of that group." Gabby nodded and smiled. "As long as you don't run into burning buildings, I'm fine."

I nodded and agreed before deciding to walk away to the bedroom when I heard Gabby's phone ring. "Babe, want me to answer your phone?" Gabby then yelled back. "Sure." I then went to check it and saw it was Antonio. "Hey Antonio." Antonio was confused when I answered. "Did I call the wrong number? Thought this was Gabby's phone." I smiled and laughed a bit. "No, it's her phone. She's just giving Matteo a bath before we head out to bring him."

Antonio agreed. "Okay, I was just wondering what time you guys might be here? I am here today. I always forget when your shift starts." I then went to tell him. "It starts at 9. So, I actually need to get dressed so I am not late. I just finished in the shower. Then, we'll be on our way. We already had breakfast or we'll eat at the firehouse. Now, you are going to bring him for a quick visit right?" Antonio sighed and didn't know. "I don't know, I mean it's not healthy for Sylvie."

I sighed because I knew that was not what Gabby wanted to hear. "Gabby is hoping to say one last goodnight to him during 2020. I know it's a big ask because it deals with health but...I don't want to have to let her down. Can you help me out?" Antonio agreed and chuckled. "Fine, but I am staying in the car. He can get out though because you are his parents." I agreed and smiled. "Oh, that was always going to happen. Can never get enough cuddles from Mr. Matteo."

Antonio chuckled and agreed. "Only 3 months and 10 days." I knew exactly what he was talking about when he said that. He and Sylvie decided to schedule their C-Section for April 10, 2021. That was when we will have a new niece and nephew. "Don't worry, we already have that day booked off. We are going to be at the hospital with you guys to help keep you calm. You did the same for me when it came to Gabby giving birth to Matteo so...we need to return the favor."

I then decided to put my phone on speaker and went to grab my clothes from my closet. "Now, are you working tonight? Because last time I checked, Eva was watching him tonight with Sylvie." Antonio groaned and agreed. "Yes, I am working to enforce the stay-at-home order." I agreed. "Well, we will be helping. I will keep an eye out and text you if we find people hanging out. Would rather not have to be dispatched to a possible COVID outbreak tonight."

Antonio then got concerned. "I thought you guys weren't responding to COVID calls." I sighed and went to tell him the truth. "We don't really have two types of calls. We treat every call as a COVID call since it can spread without symptoms. That means masking all the time. I just hope that I am not on a call when the clock strikes midnight." Antonio was confused when I said that. "Okay, why exactly do you not want to be on a call at midnight? It's your job."

I sighed. "Antonio, what do couples normally do at midnight?" Antonio then realized what I meant. "Right, sorry." I chuckled and agreed. "Yes. Can't do that with masks." Antonio understood and smiled. "My last time kissing Sylvie at midnight on New Year's Eve as an engaged couple tonight." I chuckled when he said that. "Don't count on doing it next year. Remember, you are going to have 2 kids remember Antonio?" Antonio then agreed.

"That's why Diego and Eva are going to be here. They can watch their siblings while I ring in the New Year with my wife." I laughed. "Have you guys nailed down a date yet?" Antonio smiled when he asked. "We weren't going to say anything but, we are going to do a small family wedding. You guys, Jay and Erin and the Firehouse. We are going to do it in the park on June 26th." I was shocked when she said that. "Within 2 months of her giving birth?"

Antonio sighed. "Don't argue with a pregnant woman." I laughed and agreed. "Of course. Now listen, how about we save this chat for when we drop Matteo off? I need to get dressed." Antonio then agreed. "Of course Matt. See you soon." I then moved to hang up and set my phone down smiling before grabbing my clothes so that I could get dressed. I then went to yell to Gabby "What do you want for breakfast Gabby? Or are we waiting until the firehouse?" 

That's when I saw Gabby come in with Matteo in her arms. "Can you just make us some bagels?" Putting my boxers on before taking off my towel, I agreed and smiled. "You already dressed or do you need to take a shower?" Gabby then shook her head. "Nope, I am going to take one tomorrow when we're off shift." I agreed and nodded before grabbing my pants. "How about you set him on the bed then. I am getting dressed right now." Gabby nodded and agreed.

Once Matteo was on the bed, Gabby walked over to her closet and went to pick out some clothes too so that we could both get dressed.

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