Chapter 1103

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30 Minutes Later after doing a COVID Run
Matt's POV: Getting back to the firehouse after dropping somebody off at McCormick Place, I went to get out to stop Gabby from walking away. Grabbing her jacket as she went to get in the door, I turned her around. "Gabby, I wanted to talk on the ride back but you didn't say a word. Please, talk to me." Gabby then turned to look at me. "So, you are capping us at 2? I thought maybe you'd consider adoption!" I then looked at her. "Gabby, where are we going to have the time? Between our jobs, and 2 kids? Where do you see us having time for a 3rd child?" 

Gabby then sighed and looked at me before stepping close to me. "I don't know, I guess I am just worried that we will have another boy when we both know you want your daughter too." I shook my head and sighed before putting my hands on her butt. I then moved to kiss her forehead when I saw Hermann and the gang come out. I then stopped them and shook my head so we could have a minute. "Want to go sit in the back of the ambulance?" Gabby then nodded as she agreed to sit in the back of the ambulance with me so that we could talk. 

Grabbing Gabby's hand and intertwining our fingers, I then moved to help her into the back of the ambulance where we could have some privacy and talk about this between the two of us. This subject would affect our work but...until everything was in motion, nobody but the two of us really had to have any input in the conversations. Moving to sit down next to Gabby, I wrapped my arm around her and then put my hand on her leg. "Okay, before we start. How about a few deep breaths to relax?" Gabby nodded and took a few breaths.

Once she was done breathing, I grabbed her hand and went to intertwine our fingers. "Gabby, I get how much you love kids. But, we are talking about doing two things at once? We keep doing back and forth. We need to decide Gabby. Are we pursuing adoption or surrogacy? Because if we are going to adopt...we don't need to have these conversations for at least another year. However, if we are doing surrogacy...then yes, we need to talk." Gabby sighed and nodded.

"I guess I am just torn up. I mean, I keep saying that I want to help kids who are young and homeless yet, we want to have our own biological daughter." I then realized what she meant and then nodded before kissing her forehead when she wrapped her arms around me. I then decided to put my finger under the chin. Rubbing her chin before pushing her head up, I looked into her eyes and smiled. "No, we don't have to decide. The only reason we are looking at surrogacy is to protect us. Gabby, I'm scared to adopt because there's more at stake this time."

Gabby nodded and agreed as she looked into my eyes. "We told everybody in there we want to do surrogacy. But maybe we are just rushing into this." I nodded before moving to grab her neck. I then moved to bend down and kiss her neck softly to try and make her feel better. "Gabby, we have many more years of marriage ahead of us. I promise you that right now. We are going to be together for the rest of our lives because we are the ones that are going to make it this time."

Gabby nodded and agreed as she grabbed my hand. "Tell me right now that you want to shelve this and that you don't care about how big an age gap there is between our kids and I will go into my office and hide those profiles. My first priority is to make sure that we are in this together. If you are having doubts...then you need to tell me." Gabby then sighed. "I guess, I am just having the same fears that I had when I first found out about the aneurysm. This is big for us."

I nodded and agreed, rubbing her hand. "Gabby, here's the difference...we are in agreement that putting your life on the line to have another child is too big of a risk. All the other stuff, we can talk about and figure out. As long as you are my wife for the rest of my life." Gabby nodded and agreed when I said that before moving to kiss me softly. "You know I love you right Matt?" I nodded and smiled at Gabby. "Oh trust me, I know you love me. You put your life on the line to give us this second chance." 

Gabby then bit her lip when I said that. "Matt, you promised that you would've taken me back regardless of whether or not I came back pregnant. That's still true right?" I was shocked when she asked that but nodded. "Hey, of course. We are meant to be together and nothing will ever change that." Gabby nodded and agreed, sighing. "I guess I am just still reeling from the bad dream I had while I was resting." When she said that, I got concerned. "Want to talk about it?"

Gabby then bit her lip and nodded. "It was the day the surrogate was giving birth. You were stuck in a fire and died while I was at the hospital experiencing the birth. Then, I went to call you and learned you died the same day our daughter was born." I nodded and then understood why she's acting so odd today. Watching her tear up, I moved to her hug her and then kissed her head softly. "Gabby, I am not going into fires anymore. I am right here." I then moved my arm around her more and grabbed the back of her head.

Gabby then wrapped her arms around me as we held each other there. That's when we heard a knock on the door. I turned to look outside and saw it was Antonio with Matteo. "What's he doing here?" Gabby then smiled. "He must've known I needed this. Let me out and I'll go bring him in. People want to see him. And they are going to hold him." I nodded and went to let her go. Gabby then got out and looked at Antonio.

"Thought you were working at the ride program?" Antonio chuckled and smiled. "I convinced Jay to cover me for a couple hours for supper. Sylvie is making us one last New Year's Eve supper we are going to eat together at home. Thought you guys might need to see him." I nodded and agreed. "How about you bring him inside and I will be right there?" Gabby nodded and smiled, bringing him inside to our friends. Meanwhile, I turned to look at Antonio.

"Thank god you brought him." Antonio then looked at me, knowing that what he just told Gabby was a lie. I had really texted him. "What's up with her? And don't lie. I'll know you are lying because I am a detective." I sighed and looked at me. "We had a disagreement when it came to either adoption next year or surrogacy. We are still looking at both options. Then she just told me why we've been having those problems."

Antonio then looked at me. "What are the reservations she has to having a surrogate?" I then sighed and explained to him what Gabby's reservations are.

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