Chapter 1115

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30 Minutes Later when Matt & Gabby are home
Matt's POV: As I stood in the bedroom at home, I smiled as I slipped some sweats on while Gabby put Matteo in his crib. We tried to give him a quick feeding when he got home but, he wasn't having it. So, we just decided to put him down and let him rest. Once I was changed, I made my way out to see that Gabby was cleaning the dish we brought to the firehouse last night. Deciding to walk over to her, I smiled when I wrapped my arms around her from behind.

"When you are done, I expect to see you in bed. You need rest because we both know you didn't get much last night. We were busy almost all night." Gabby smiled and nodded as she went to rub my hand. I then saw her turn around in my arms and smiled at me. I then saw her start to get nervous about something she wanted to say and I could tell she was holding back. "Gabby, if you have something to say...just say it, I'm here if you need to talk about anything."

Gabby then sighed. "It's about the comment you made when we left. I am still on the fence about going to Puerto Rico. I am scared to go back because...what if I like it too much and want to stay like last time? Would you not let me go or would you come back with Matteo while I stayed or..." I then moved to kiss her so I could calm her down. "Gabby, breathe and look at me." Gabby then looked at me and sighed, realizing that she was panicking about nothing.

"Gabby, I already told you this before. If there was one thing I could've changed from our last was that I would've followed you to Puerto Rico. Either that, or I would've surprised you after you came back for our night. It reignited our feelings. At least it did for me and it felt wrong waking up without you everyday for a while." Gabby nodded and understood before moving to hug me. I then went to rub her back and smiled as we held each other close.

"Gabby, we are forever this time. You are my home. That's all that matters." Gabby then nodded and smiled as I said that. "How about we shelve this conversation until Matteo is older? As much as I want to volunteer, I don't want to loose Matteo to this disease. Or you to that matter. And while the hospital system was better when I left....I am not confident that it would be good enough to protect us from dying." I then saw Gabby tear up a bit as she went to rub her eyes.

That got me concerned. "Hey, what's wrong?" Gabby sighed and looked at me. "I just hate saying that. I mean, it was my job to lead a team to get the hospitals back to par with the rest of the US so that they could be just as good as they are here in the continental US. Yet, I just said that the system wouldn't be good enough to protect us from dying. That's a horrible thing to say. And I was the team leader!" I understood and then moved to grab her neck before kissing her.

"Listen, you are tired. So relax. Plus, we still need to figure out which project we are concentrating on first. Gabby, as much as I know you want to go help in Puerto Rico when the vaccines are ready....we need to know what we are doing when it comes to the surrogacy first. If we are doing that this year, then we have to say no to Puerto Rico because we both know that we want to be here to experience the pregnancy. Well, I do at least and I want you here too."

Gabby nodded and agreed. "Listen, can we go lay down on the couch or in bed? I am tired. However, I want to continue this conversation while you hold me in your arms." I nodded and agreed with her. Grabbing her hand, I smiled as I intertwined our fingers. "Lets go lay down in bed. I already put Matteo in there anyways." Gabby was confused. "I thought you put him in his nursery?" I shook my head. "Not when we are this tired. I don't want to move much today."

Gabby smiled and agreed with that before grabbing my hand and leading me to our bedroom. Following her to our room, I smiled as we prepared to relax in bed together.

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