Chapter 1100

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Meanwhile, with Jay & Erin
Jay's POV: After a while of just relaxing in bed together, Erin ended up falling asleep in my arms. I then decided to get up so that I could stretch a bit and decided to be a bit productive. I was now standing in the kitchen making us some supper for later while checking my e-mails. That's when I noticed an e-mail from our OBG/YN entitled re: Return to work Post Birth. I decided to open it and saw the plan she wrote. It said in there what she would clear Erin for active work again after only a month of recovery. I was definitely not okay with that.

But then I remembered that we were also taking 3 months of maternity and paternity leave after Olivia is born so, I calmed down. I then decided to put my phone down and forget about it and went back to making the homemade lasagna recipe that Hank gave me. While it was not going to be ready for supper, it was going to be ready for when we would be having our midnight snack. If I knew Erin well enough, we would be staying up late and would share a midnight kiss. I therefore decided that we would eat at least one more time.

I am pretty sure Erin knew that because she mentioned the exact thought I was thinking about when she came downstairs. "That for our midnight snack later?" I turned to look at her and smiled. I then moved to extend my hand and motioned for her to walk over to me. "Yes, I thought I'd have something ready for when you asked me to make you something around midnight between our midnight kiss and when we went to bed." Erin agreed and smiled as she stood next to me. I then went to wrap my arm around her and smiled.

Feeling my strong arm around her, Erin just moved to cuddle up to me as she wrapped her arms around my neck. I then decided to wrap my arms around her too. Looking down into her eyes, I smiled as I moved to push a strand of her hair behind her ear. "Have I ever told you that you are the most beautiful pregnant woman I've ever seen in my life?" Erin then smiled when I said that and nodded as she went to grab my neck. She then kissed me softly while running her hands down my chest. "Why must you be so charming and sexy at the same time?"

I chuckled when she said that and smiled while stepping close to her. Pushing her against the counter, I liked the fact that we were right up against one another. I then moved my hand to her stomach and smiled as I rubbed it. "Would you call me your sexy prince charming?" Erin then looked at me as she grabbed my back before nodding. "Yes. And she is our little princess." I agreed and smiled. "I can't want to meet her. She is going to be so loved and spoiled. I already heard about some of the things Hank wants to buy her. Most importantly, a big playhouse."

Erin then got worried when I said that. "I hope he means for outside." I turned to look at her and nodded. "Don't worry, I made sure that it would be for the backyard. I am not changing the basement. However, I am going to have to lock it when she's walking. At no point is this little one ever going to be downstairs unattended. However, I am pretty sure that if she is anything like her mom...she is going to want to sneak downstairs whenever I am working out to watch me. And she is going to stare at my big muscles as they flex and make her weak in the knees." Erin chuckled when I said that and then nodded. "What can I say? My husband is really sexy."

I smiled when she said that. "And my wife is really gorgeous. And that's always. I don't care if you are pregnant. You are always beautiful in my eyes Erin." Erin smiled when I said that and then nodded as she went to grab my neck again. She was about to kiss me when my phone rang. I then groaned when I saw it was my brother. Erin then turned my head and moved to kiss me. "Just ignore it. I am hormonal and need my husband to give me a bit of pleasure right now." I agreed and then moved to pick her up in my arms. I then set her down on the counter so that I could kiss her while standing close to her.

Once she was on the counter, I stepped close to her and moved to kiss her softly. "I love you." Erin smiled when I said that and smiled as she grabbed my face while kissing me. "I love you too. And I promise that tonight, you sir are going to get some action." I smiled and liked the sound of that. "Then maybe we should get this food cooked so that we can get in bed." Erin then laughed when I said that. "Oh, that turned someone on didn't it?" I nodded and smiled at her.

"Not just that. I want to do it before you get too tired. Then, I am going to have to have a cold shower. We both know that I won't force you to give me pleasure if you are tired." Erin looked at me and then rolled her eyes. "Sure you won't." I then nodded while looking at her. "Erin, you are pregnant and need your rest. If you are tired tonight, just tell me and we will share a pre-midnight New Year's kiss. Then, you can fall asleep in my arms. That's all I need tonight. To fall asleep with my beautiful wife in my arms and wake up with her in my arms in 2021."

Erin smiled when I said that and then nodded. "Listen, I am starting to get uncomfortable here on the counter. How about you help me down? I need to start a load of laundry anyways. Then, I am going to rest in bed. Think you can bring it upstairs when it's ready?" I nodded and agreed, giving her one last kiss before letting her go. I then decided to grab my phone and put some music on so that it wouldn't be so quiet down here while I made us supper.

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