Chapter 1132

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Meanwhile, back with Matt & Gabby
Matt's POV: As I come out of the bedroom after 30 minutes, I smile as I decide to hand over Matteo to Gabby so that she can watch him while I made some lunch. I decided that I was going to make us some pasta. More specifically, fettuccini alfredo with grilled chicken. That was what I was in the mood for and apparently it was one of Sylvie's cravings recently. I had texted Antonio to check whether she would enjoy that. However, I needed Gabby to hold Matteo so I could cook. Walking over to her, I smiled. "Hey."

Gabby then looked up at me while watching a talk show on TV. "Hey, what's up?" I then smiled at her. "Think you can watch him? I am going to make us some lunch like I promised." Gabby then nodded and agreed. "Sure, that sounds great. However, after lunch I want to go out with Sylvie. She needs fresh air. Apparently, her and Antonio don't go out much. Think you want to join us?" I nodded and smiled. "Sure, we can go take a walk together. Just make sure you ask Antonio first." Gabby then glared at me. "Seriously?"

I then looked at her. "I am not putting Sylvie's health at risk unless Antonio is okay with it. Sorry but, I am not getting on your brother's bad side. I don't want to put you in the middle. I mean, you are my wife so I fully expect you to take my side but...Antonio is your brother and I know it would be hard to turn on him." Gabby sighed and nodded. "I am always going to be on your side when it comes to family conflicts. We are married so, that's guaranteed. Plus, you've been on my side so just makes sense."

I agreed and nodded before looking at Sylvie. "Need a drink Sylvie?" Sylvie then nodded. "Can you get me another water with lemon?" I agreed and went to grab her glass. "Same for you babe?" Gabby nodded and smiled. "Yes please." I then went to grab her glass and smiled as I prepared to walk over to the kitchen and make us food. That's when I overheard Sylvie. "Okay, how the hell did you get the perfect husband? I mean he literally does everything perfect!" Gabby laughed and smiled. "Sylvie, I have no clue. But, I am not complaining."

I smiled when she said that and nodded. "Te amo." Gabby then turned to look at me and smiled. It wasn't often that I spoke spanish but...I was learning. That was the easiest one to remember. "Te amo." Sylvie then looked at Gabby. "Okay, I hear you brother say that all the time to Eva and Diego. What the heck does it mean?" Gabby seemed shocked that Antonio never taught her what it meant. "It's 'love you' in spanish. And no, not 'I love you'...just 'love you'." Sylvie nodded and agreed. "That makes so much sense now."

Gabby laughed and smiled. "I am just glad that Matt learned how to say it. I want him to learn a bit of spanish for when my abuela comes to visit Chicago. I want her to meet Matteo before she dies. She doesn't speak a word of English unfortunately." Sylvie nodded and agreed. "So, that would be Matteo's great-grandmother right?" I nodded and agreed. "Yes." Gabby then smiled as she turned to look at me. "You know, me and Sylvie were just talking about baby names. Apparently, she is starting to rethink the ones they chose for their twins."

I nodded and agreed. "Oh really?" Gabby smiled. "I told her what names I was thinking about for our second child if we have a daughter. She liked them apparently." I then thought about it. "Did we ever share what we were thinking about names just between the two of us?" Gabby then bit her lip and shrugged. "I forget." I understood. "How about you mention them so that I know?" Gabby then nodded. "For a boy, Nicolas Ryan Casey. No H." I agreed and smiled. "And for a girl?" Gabby smiled when I asked and told me. "Elizabeth Maria Casey." 

I then remembered that name. "Okay, that one I remember. Elizabeth is Shay's name." Gabby agreed and smiled. "I swear, I keep thinking about what it would be like if Shay were still here." I sighed when she said that. "She would love that you are now a mom. She would be just as much in awe as I am at your skills when it comes to being a mom and she would be ecstatic at the fact that you aren't done expanding your family yet. However, she would be really happy that you would be playing it safe and using a surrogate or adopting a kid instead."

I sighed and nodded. "You look at some of those profiles while you were sitting in there?" I smiled and nodded. "A couple. I've found a few I like. I already forwarded their names to Antonio to ask for background checks on them." Gabby smiled when I said that and nodded. However, that seemed a big shocking to Sylvie. "Wait, you guys are going to do a background check on your possible surrogate?" I nodded and smiled. "We want to make sure that she is clean. At least I do. I don't want to use a former drug addict as our surrogate."

Sylvie understood when I said that. "No, of course not. However, you do realize that I could probably do it after I am done giving birth to these twins?" Gabby then stared at her. "Sylvie, that is not happening. I want to keep emotional distance between us and the surrogate. Plus, it's a bit weird. Sorry but, even though you are going to be my sister-in-law....I can't help but think about the optics. I know your guys didn't really date but...I am not really comfortable with my husband's ex-girlfriend being our surrogate. Does that make me a bad persons?"

I then went to look at her and shook her head. "Gabby, of course not. I completely understand. It's like you using one of your exes to be your sperm donor. If I couldn't produce sperm and we needed to use a sperm donor to have another kid...I definitely would not be comfortable with it being your ex-boyfriend." Gabby nodded and smiled. "Yet, when I got pregnant the first time...I technically got pregnant by my then ex-husband." Sylvie nodded and agreed. However, I didn't. "Gabby, we weren't your typical exes remember? We were more like a long distance couple."

That's when I realized that I never said that in front of Sylvie before. "So wait, you were cheating on me when we were dating?"  

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