Chapter 1147

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Diego's POV:
As I made my way to the kitchen, I smiled as I prepared to meet the chef when I heard the phone ring. Joe then called me to answer. "Diego, can you get that? I need to go to the washroom." I agreed and went to grab a note pad. "Hello, Molly's Bar. Can I get your name and address." That's when I heard a familiar voice. I just needed confirmation it was her before I said anything. "It's Gabby's mother. I want my regular." I smiled when she said that. "Hola abuela, feliz año nuevo. ¿Cómo estás?" (Hi grandma, happy new year. How are you?)

My abuela then seemed shocked to hear my voice. "Is the you Diego?" I smiled and nodded. "Yes it is. Now, I am still getting used to the whole operations here. So, what is your regular order?" My abuela then told me it. "Medium wings, side chicken caesar and a pepsi." I then wrote it down and smiled. "Of course abuela. I will talk to my boss about what we do with family discounts. I will drive it over so I know your address." My abuela then smiled. "I will have my tip ready." I sighed. "Just to let you know abuela, I can't get too close. I am staying with my dad tonight." 

My abuela then understood. "Of course Diego. See you soon." I then went to give the order to the new Chef. "You the chef Leon?" Leon then turned to look at me and nodded. "What's the order?" I smiled. "Medium wings, side chicken caesar and a pepsi." He nodded and smiled. "Go out to the bar and get the pepsi. Next time, ask whether they want a can or cup." I then thought about it. "She usually drinks it out of cans." He then turned to look at me. "You can't be guaranteed that's what you want though! So, either call back and ask or do what I say."

That's when I heard Joe walk in. "Hey, what's happening here?" Leon then spoke up. "He is assuming what a customer wants when he doesn't know!"  Joe was about to say something when I said who it was. "I know how my abuela likes to drink her pepsi!" Leon then looked at me. "Oh, it was your abuela?" I nodded and smiled at him. "Yes, so please make sure it's high quality. I don't want her to have bad quality food from her daughter's restaurant."

That's when my aunt Gabby and uncle Matt walked in. "Okay, did we get a new owner? Because last time I checked, I was the only female owner of Molly's." I then smiled as I looked at my aunt. "Can I hug you aunt Gabby?" Gabby then nodded. "Of course Diego." I then walked over and hugged her. "Glad you're over your cold from Christmas." I nodded and agreed. "Me too. Nice to see you again uncle Matt." I then went to shake his hand and smiled at him.

"Let me guess, took you longer to get here because Gabby went all mama bear?" Matt then laughed and smiled. "Don't you know it buddy." My aunt then turned around to look at us both. "Diego, watch it. I can make you clean washrooms." I then looked at her. "Technically, you can't. I am a deliver driver so...unless you want to loose customers, then I wouldn't. Oh, and I can always quiet and go pick up your babysitter." Gabby then stared at me and got close. "Watch it buddy. Remember, this is textbook money. And I am not scared to fire you!" 

I then bit my lip and nodded. Matt then looked at Gabby and smirked. "Okay, where am I tonight Gabby? I driving or am I working in the kitchen?" Joe then answered. "You guys are delivery. We are at maximum in the kitchen. We can only have 3 chefs and 1 person at the bar. Plus, this way we can take double the orders. I also convinced Mouch that he has to help out considering he owns part of the bar. Once he's here....I want you on deliveries too Gabby. You can use my car."

My uncle Matt then vetoed that. "Nope, one of Matteo's parents has to stay here at all times. Sorry Cruz, but that's the terms of us working. We need to keep one of us COVID free. And preferably, I would rather keep Gabby COVID free." Gabby then turned to look at me. "Matt." Matt then glared at Gabby. "Your life was already on the line once in the past 12 months when you were pregnant with Matteo. I am not going to let you get sick with COVID. I don't think I would survive me having to watch you battle the disease and possibly loose you again. Plus Gabby, we both know the statistics. I am more likely to survive than you are because it is hitting the minority communities much harder. Sorry but, that is a fact."

Gabby then sighed and nodded. "You're right and I understand. Just promise you'll be safe." Matt nodded and agreed. "Of course. Now, nobody asks Gabby to go. It's already been in our families too much." We all agreed and nodded. That's when I heard Cruz call my name. "Diego, your abuela's order is ready." Gabby then turned to look at Diego. "My mom ordered?" Diego nodded and agreed as he went to grab the order.

Gabby then turned to look at Matt and did the puppy eyes. "Can I go see my mom for a few minutes?" Matt then nodded and smiled. "Of course. She's your mother. Just don't be long. We need our driver." Gabby then laughed. "Who said anything about Diego going? He's working for a salary. I get paid regardless." I then went to grab the order from Diego and the debit machine. "Diego, get to work. Matt, I'll be back. It's my mom...she's COVID free. We both know that." My uncle Mat then nodded and agreed, smiling.

That's when my aunt Gabby left to go see my abuela. "So much for me going to see my abuela." Matt then laughed and smiled. "Cmon, let me teach you how to make some drinks. You're 18 now and that means you can handle alcohol. So, you are going to eventually have to learn how to work bar." I agreed and nodded, ready to help out at the restaurant. That's when another order came in. I was about to grab the phone when Matt did.

Matt's POV:
When the phone rang, I decided to grab it since I was closer. "Good evening, Molly's Delivery." I then recognized the voice. It was Hank's voice. "Hey Casey." I then smiled. "How's your recovery going Voight?" He sighed. "Better. Listen, we need some food here. Two chicken caesars, one set of hot wings with caesar dip and a family size caesar salad. Oh, two beers and a lemon water too." I then realized Jay and Erin must be there. "Of course, Jay and Erin there?" Hank chuckled. "How could you tell?"

I smiled. "They are regular customers. That'll be $24.96 and 15 minutes. Debit or Cash?" Hank then replied. "Debit please." I agreed. "See you soon." I then went to yell out the order. "Two chicken caesars, one set of hot wings with caesar dip and a family size caesar salad!" Cruz then yelled out. "Got it!" I then looked at Diego. "I got the next order. It's one of my friends. So, I am going to go." Diego agreed and nodded. "I'll take the next one." I agreed and smiled, ready.

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