Chapter 1105

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Matt's POV: Once we made our way back into the common room, we saw that people were starting to get some of our stuff out for supper including the sparkling water we brought. "Hey Boden, put that sparkling water away. That's for later tonight!" Boden then turned to look at me. "Matt relax, this is the one that I brought. It was in my office." I nodded and agreed. "Sorry Chief." Gabby then smiled as she walked into the kitchen. "Matt, can you wait to eat? I have to finish getting our dish ready. Give me like 5 minutes."

That's when we saw Cruz looking at the dish we brought. "What's this Gabby?" Gabby then walked over to him and slapped his hand. "A homemade family recipe. And it's desert." I chuckled and smiled. "Gabby, we brought the wings. So, I can eat now. However, I get first pick at them!" Everybody nodded and went to their own dishes to grab their stuff. "How many you want Gabby? I am going to grab them now so you can grab some of that potato salad."

Gabby nodded and smiled. "Just get me 3. Then can you grab me some of that cauliflower keto dish that Severide and Stella brought? Since when did you guys go Keto?" Severide then groaned. "She's made me go on it for a month, even though I am one of the fittest guys here."  That's when we all heard someone coming to visit. "Well, second now that I'm here." That's when we all turned around to see Jimmy Borelli walk in. "Jimmy."

I was shocked to see him. "How are you? Heard you left the CFD." I nodded and smiled. "Antonio said that you were having a potluck dinner tonight. I didn't know if that would be okay if I joined?" Gabby was confused as to how he knew her brother. "How do you know my brother?" Jimmy smiled. "I used to work here Gabby. And, I used to work out at his boxing ring so...we've been acquaintances for a while." She nodded and understood.

Chief then looked at him and then sighed. "We are actually have a firehouse supper. We can't really spread COVID." I nodded and agreed. "I just wanted to come by and talk to Gabby since I knew she'd be here tonight. She's the last one on my apology tour. You guys all got my calls. However, I couldn't reach Gabby." I then sighed. "She was in Puerto Rico remember Jimmy and at the time, we were divorced." 

Jimmy nodded and understood. "Right, I remember that now. Seems like you guys are back together now?" Gabby nodded and smiled as she grabbed my hand. "Yes, married again and we now have a son. His name is Matteo." Jimmy smiled at us. "I already bet that Matt is very strict when it comes to your son. I mean, that's just based on how strict he was as my fire lieutenant." Gabby then smiled at me. "Oh no, this guy is a complete different person when he's with Matteo."

Jimmy then smiled when he realized that our names were similar to one another. "Let me guess, you named him after his father. His name Matthew Casey, Jr. but he just uses the name Matteo as a nickname since you are Hispanic?" I then shook my head. "No, his name is Matteo Andres Casey." That's when Mouch spoke up. "Wait, Andres after Andy?" I was about to answer when Severide spoke up. "How did you not know that Mouch? He's 4 months old now." 

Hermann then spoke up. "Oh shut up Severide, our memories aren't the best anymore. We've been hit in the noggin a lot more than you guys." Mouch then turned to look at Hermann and smiled. "Thanks for defending me but, I can defend myself." Hermann nodded and agreed when he saw that someone else was walking into the firehouse. That's when I noticed it was Jay and Erin. "Hey guys, what are you doing here?"

Jay chuckled as he held Erin's hand. "I would just like to speak to Chief please?" Chief then nodded and got up. "Of course detective. Let's go to my office." Erin then shook her head. "Just a quick question. We wanted to know if you'd be okay with us using the washrooms tonight? We are patrolling around here to enforce the stay-at-home order." Chief then understood and smiled. "Of course. You guys want some supper before you go?"

Jay was about to say something when Erin stopped him. "I am not going to say no to food. Jay, go sit down next to Gabby and Matt." Jay then nodded and came to sit next to us. "How are you guys doing? Weird seeing us both on Christmas Eve and now New Year's Eve?" Jimmy then looked at us both. "How did you guys see each other when there's a stay-at-home order?" Jay then turned to look at him. "Speaking of which...are you a firefighter here?"

Jimmy then shook his head. "Then I'm giving you a warning." Jay then went to check the time. "You have 30 minutes here before I give you citation for being out past curfew." Jimmy then nodded, nervous. "Guys, it was great to see you but...I don't have money to spare on tickets. Happy New Year, congrats again on Matteo. But, I'm gonna bounce!" He then walked out and left the firehouse to hear home.

I then laughed as I looked at Jay. "You sure are Hank's son-in-law." Jay took offence when I said that. "What does that mean?" I was about to answer when Gabby spoke up. "I am going to go talk to Erin. Too much estrogen around here. Stella, how about you come with me?  And Jay, did you guys have supper yet?" Jay then shook his head. "No, we were going to get some after her washroom break." Gabby smiled when Jay said that.

"Well then, serve yourself." People were about to complain when she gave them her signature glare. They then all shut up and I just laughed while she walked away to the washroom. "I swear, you guys are so scared of her." Gabby then turned around to look at me. "Matt, shut up or I will make sure I'm busy at midnight." I then bit my lip and nodded. "Love you." Severide them looked at me and smiled. "What's that bout just us being scared of her?"

Jay then looked at me. "What do you expect? He's her husband. Number one rule of being married. Happy wife, happy life, happy sex life." I laughed when he said that and went to give him a high five. "Oh yeah." That's when chief walked over. "That reminds me Halstead. Congratulations on your marriage and child to be." Jay smiled and nodded as he went to shake his hand. "Daughter. Being born in 4 months and 5 days." 

I was confused when he said that. "How do you know the specific day?" Jay then smiled. "We scheduled a C-Section. We are doing it before Erin's first mother's day." I smiled when he said that when we heard the girls scream in the washroom. Both me and Jay then looked at each other and bolted to the washroom to see what was wrong.

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