Chapter 1120

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Gabby's POV: After getting comfortable in bed again, it wasn't too long before Matt came to join me in bed. Walking in with breakfast, I smiled when I saw him make his way over with a single plate and some drinks. "So, that's why you wanted me to give you my water bottle. What did you put in there?" Matt smiled. "Coffee." I was confused. "Matt, aren't those bottles only supposed to be used for cold liquids?" Matt shook his head. "Nope, warm and cold liquids. I made sure to buy you the same one I had. You used to have one. It's the bottles we bought when we first got together?"

I then thought about it and nodded. "Oh, those. I thought they were different bottles. Now I remember, the ones that we got a Target and kept cold drinks cold and warm drinks warm for hours on end without any reheating or ice required." Matt then nodded as he opened the covers. He then sat down next to me and smiled as he set the plate down on his lap before wrapping his arm around me. Once he did that, I moved close to him and cuddled up to him. "God, now this is where I want to stay for the rest of the day. No moving from bed." Matt chuckled and nodded.

"Oh trust me, that's the plan. Nothing like laying down in bed with the woman I love. Oh, and of course our son when he's awake. Other than can expect a lot of time sitting her whenever we are home. I get that it's not the best idea that we always sit in here but...I can't help it. We are just so comfortable in here and it allows Matteo to be so close when we want to play with him while it also allows him to be close while he's taking a nap." I agreed and smiled when Matt said that. "Exactly what I was thinking." Matt chuckled and agreed with me.

"Hey so, I wanted to talk to you about our wedding in September. Are you expecting me to wear a tux or something or am I going to be wearing my former firefighter outfit again?" I thought about it as I went to grab some food. "You should co-ordinate with Severide. You guys figure it out. My preference though...would be a suit since it's not really as hot and it's something that can easily be taken off if you know what I mean." Matt smiled and nodded because he knew exactly what I meant. "We doing a hotel that night or are we coming home that night?" I bit my lip and thought about it.

"Honestly, I would prefer to come home. I know that's not normal for a wedding night but, I like our bed. And we are going to have the entire place to ourselves which rarely happens." Matt agreed and smiled when I said that. "That is very true. And it will allow Antonio or somebody to easily bring him home instead of us having to pick him up." That's when I realized something. "We might need to ask your sister to watch him instead. I am not comfortable asking Antonio to watch him when he is going to have twins at home."

Matt thought about that and nodded. "Then she can stay here with Matteo and we can go to a hotel." I smiled when he said that. "Listen, can we just concentrate on eating. Because after that, I want to cuddle up to you. I like having your strong arm around my back." Matt nodded. "Oh, I know that. It's how you always like to be held when you are sleeping. Not that I am complaining considering it's exactly how I like to hold you too." I smiled when Matt said that and nodded. "Listen, how about we concentrate on the food more than laughing right now. Because when we laugh like that, it tempts me to want to kiss you." Matt agreed and went to grab some food.

I then decided to cut another piece of pancakes and took a bite. That's when I saw that I got a text and sighed. Reaching over to grab it, I saw it was form my mom. "Happy New Year Gabriela." I then smiled when I saw that. "Hey, you mind if I call my mom while we are eating? She's awake and just send me a happy new year text." Matt looked at me and smiled. "Of course not, go ahead. I would love to talk to her anyways. We haven't spoken in a while." I agreed and smiled when he said that. I then kissed his cheek before opening my phone.

Once I had my phone open, I moved to look for my mom's phone number and went to call it. She answered pretty much right away. And of course, I just took a bite when she called. Luckily, Matt noticed and spoke up for me after. "Happy New Year Gabriela!" Matt smiled. "It's the both of us Camila. Happy new year to you as well." Camila was happy when she heard that. "How are you both doing? Haven't spoken much recently." Matt sighed. "We had a busy night last night. We ran into Antonio though. Was nice to see some family on New Year's Eve."

Camila was confused. "I thought he was watching Matteo last night." I shook my head. "No, he was working. His fiancé, Sylvie watched him." My mom was shocked by that news. "Excuse me, fiancé?" Didn't Antonio tell her? "Yes, his pregnant fiancé" My mom was even more shocked at that. "Gabby, do you mind if I let you go? I need to call Antonio." I then heard her hang up and knew that he was about to get it. I then decided to text him. 'Just an FYI...apparently you forgot to tell mom that you were engaged!' 

I then put my phone down and turned to look at Matt. "I am positive Antonio will be calling us later. So, let's eat." Matt agreed and nodded, giving me a quick kiss before going back to eating.

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