Chapter 1080

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Matt's POV: After getting dressed, I smiled as I came out to see Matteo smiling at me on the bed. I then decided to sit down next to him so I could put my socks on. Once that was done, I leaned over him and moved to kiss his cheek softly. "Out of all the memories we've made this year buddy....your birth has to be one of the best. Just don't tell your mommy that." Matteo then smiled at me as I went to tickle him. That's when I heard Gabby walk out while putting her hair up. "You sure our wedding wasn't the best memory?"

I then turned to look at her and bit my lip. "Close second. Sorry Gabby, but you may be my dream girl but...he made my dream of being a father a reality again. Oh, and he brought my girl home forever." Gabby nodded and understood as she walked over to me. She then went to lean down and kissed me softly. "You aren't going to be cold just wearing a short sleeve shirt?" I looked at her and shook my head. "I am wearing a jacket over top. My short sleeve shirts are thicker than yours anyways. Don't understand why paramedics have such thin shirts though."

Gabby then walked over to her clothes and went to get dressed. "Paramedics don't sweat as much. So, the women paramedics aren't as worried when it comes to their shirts getting sweaty." I was still a bit confused and just looked at her while sitting on the bed. Gabby then turned to look at me while putting her pants on. Once that was done, she grabbed a shirt and went to put it on. She then tucked it into her pants before looking at me. "These shirts can easily become see through when they are wet."

I then understood and nodded. "Not that I would complain." I then smirked at Gabby. Gabby just shook her head. "Keep that language up in front of our son and I will be reconsidering whether or not I will be giving you a midnight kiss." I glared at her when she said that. "Excuse me? Last time I checked, I was the boss when it came to that. After all, I have more seniority and I am technically the paramedic-in-chief." Gabby then glared at me. "And I am your wife. You want me to make up for the no sex New Year's Eve tomorrow?"

I bit my lip and nodded. "Then shut your yapper and go feed him. Unless Antonio is going to feed him?" I thought about it and shook my head. "Not happening, I want to do it one last time this year." Gabby then looked at me. "He's coming to the firehouse for supper remember?" I nodded and then smiled while looking down at Matteo. "You like that idea buddy? You get to come see your aunts and uncles one last time before going to bed tonight." I then moved to kiss his forehead and picked him up while looking at Gabby.

"Let's just do breakfast at the firehouse okay? We have to bring some stuff anyways and I would rather do it before official shift starts. Maybe you can call Antonio and tell him to meet us there instead?" Gabby thought about it and nodded. "I am sure that everybody is going to want to see him at least one more time. But, then he isn't coming later for supper then." I agreed. "Probably the better plan considering we are going to start getting busy around then. The parties and stuff might start and we will be doing COVID runs."

Gabby agreed and then went to grab her phone. "Want me to call him? Or can you?" I smiled at her. "I got it. You just get dressed and pack up a bit. Make sure you have something warm for tonight. I don't want you getting sick while we are doing early morning runs." That's when Gabby remembered that we have 2 ambulances tonight. "Remember we have 2 ambos tonight. Gianna Mackey and Noah Valdez are doing ambulance 81." I agreed and remembered.

"We better get going then so that we can claim the PIC's office before Gianna does. We can have breakfast there at the firehouse." Gabby nodded and agreed. "Then go call Antonio and tell him to meet us at the firehouse. We'll have breakfast there." I nodded before going to grab my bag and picking Matteo up in my arms. Carrying him out to the living room, I smiled as I went to call Antonio so that he could come and pick Matteo up at the firehouse instead of here at our place.

That's when I heard a knock at the door. I then sighed when I heard Gabby come out. "If that's him, it's fine. Matteo can just come by later." I agreed and nodded. "Okay, I will let him in and talk to him." I then went to set Matteo down in his chair in the living room before walking over to the door to see Antonio there. "Good morning, how about you come in an have breakfast?" Antonio then came in and showed us some breakfast from our favorite restaurant, iHop.

I laughed and nodded. "Kitchen please. Gabby, Antonio brought breakfast!" Gabby then yelled back and smiled. "Be right out. Morning Antonio!" Antonio then yelled back. "Hi Gabby, don't be long or you'll be late for shift." I nodded when he said that before leading him to the kitchen so that we could get breakfast out and eat with him that morning..

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