Chapter 1111

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Matt's POV: After walking into the firehouse with Gabby, Chief walked up to us. "Matt, think I can speak to you for a minute?" I nodded and smiled. "This private or can Gabby stay?" Chief looked at us both. "She can stay because she can actually help." Gabby was confused. "How exactly?" Chief was about to answer when Severide spoke up. "I will be over there." I nodded and agreed before turning my attention back to Chief.

Chief then sighed. "I wanted to let you know that your CPR and First Aid certifications expire tomorrow. Since your next shift isn't until the 4th, it gives you time to do an online course. I signed you up for one on January 2nd if that's okay with you?" I nodded and agreed. "Can I do it with Gabby? Oh, and what does that mean for the morning runs?" Chief then smiled. "It expires tomorrow at noon. I always make sure that they expire at noon."

Gabby nodded. "Chief, if you don't there anyway we can both do the re-certification course at the same time? That way mine is up to date as well. Mind be good to do a refresher. I mean, I remember all of it because I of course have been doing it for a long time but, you can always get better right?" Chief nodded and agreed. "I will definitely let you take it at the same time. However, what about Matteo?" 

Gabby then looked at me. "We can handle him. The course isn't that long is it?" Chief then went to check. "It's 2 hours." I bit my lip when she said that. "We can always have Eva come over and watch him while we do it. I mean, Antonio will understand if it's work related." Gabby nodded and smiled. "She'll love that. How about we go grab some desert and then we can head to your office to call him about it?" I agreed and smiled, walking away to the deserts.

That's when I saw that the last of the Puerto Rican deserts were about to be gone. I sighed and looked at Gabby. "Can you make me some more tomorrow?" Gabby chuckled. "Oh, I packed us some extra ones." Mouch then turned to look at Gabby when he said that. "Oh, more Puerto Rican deserts?" Gabby laughed and shook her head. "For me and Matt only. I knew you would finish all of the ones we brought and kept out here and I wanted Matt to have some."

I smiled when she said that while intertwining our fingers. "Let's go to the office and relax then. Maybe, we can do our midnight kiss in there instead. It's starting to get cold outside." Gabby nodded and agreed before following me to our office. Walking in together, I smiled when I went to close the door behind us and grabbed her bag. I then went to give it to her so she could get them out. Once she had them out, I went to put her bag down and sat next to her. 

Wrapping my arm around her, I smiled as she put the container of deserts in our laps before moving to cuddle up to me. Wrapping my arm around her too, I smiled as I went to kiss her forehead. "We are going to have fun doing the CPR certification. I can be your practice patient when it comes to the acting." Gabby chuckled and looked up at me. "You would like that eh? Me having to kiss you as part of work? You know, when I do my mouth to mouth part?"

Wrapping my arm around her head, I smiled as I took another bite the desert before running my fingers through her hair. "Oh, I can always take more practice when it comes to mouth to mouth. Care to give me a bit more practice right now?" Gabby nodded and leaned up to kiss me. However, this was not a normal kiss. I decided to kiss her with some tongue to give her a bite of pleasure since we couldn't have sex tonight.

Gabby smiled when I did that before rubbing my chest. "You did that on purpose didn't you?" I nodded and smiled. "I had to give you pleasure somehow. We aren't giving each other any action tonight so...I have to make it up to you somehow." Gabby then looked up at me. "Matt, I don't need that anymore. Promise me that we don't need to continue having sex as much. Sure, every once in a while is fun but...we are parents and can tone it way down now." I nodded and agreed. "I understand. However, don't stop me if it happens naturally."

Gabby nodded and agreed. "That's a good deal. We are going to stop trying to have sex. Instead, we are just going to let it happen naturally. Anyways, I've never been a fan of our sessions when it's planned. It doesn't feel as good as when it just happens naturally." I then looked down at her. "Why?" Gabby sighed as she went to grab my hand. "It feels more like you are doing it to get pleasure than because you are in love with me." I was shocked when she said that.

"Gabby, I'm so sorry you feel that way. I promise, that is not the case." Gabby nodded and agreed. "I know Matt. It's just how I feel. Let's just do it this way from now on okay? Let it happen naturally. Except when we are at work, then we need to stop ourselves." I laughed and nodded. "Oh, trust me...just seeing people glare at us through the windows is enough to stop me. I don't need people judging me about how intimate I am getting with my wife this long into our marriage. Especially now that people know about your problem."

Gabby sighed and nodded. "Well, it's moot because got snipped and we are safe." I agreed and nodded before going to kiss her forehead softly. Gabby then went to rub my chest again as we just laid down there before eventually falling asleep in each other's arms.

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