Chapter 1113 (New Year's Day)

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A Couple Hours Later, after Shift
Matt's POV: After finishing up in the shower, I smile as I come out of the washroom to see Gabby getting dressed in my office. Walking in behind her, I smiled as I moved to wrap my arms around her. "We need to get going. I just texted Antonio about our request to have Matteo back." Gabby then turned around to look at me. "You sure you're okay with that? I mean, I can always wait if you want to go back and sleep. We had a few late calls with drunk drivers."

I then moved to rub her back and smiled at her. "That's exactly why I want to have him back. That way, we can just rest in bed today and tomorrow. So glad we have 72 hours off now. Just me and my family all together in bed." Gabby agreed and smiled when I said that. "God, why must you already be wearing a mask?" I chuckled and nodded. "In case the fire commissioner comes. It's a CFD rule to wear mask on property."

Gabby got concerned. "Then next time we are here, we will do that. Matt, it's already been in our family. We should do it." I sighed and nodded. "You're right. And we also have Matteo to think about." I then moved to grab my bag before grabbing her hand. However, Gabby still had to put her mask on so before she grabbed mine, she went to find her mask in her bag. She then went to put it on and turned around to look at me.

Once it was on, she grabbed her bag and my hand again. Intertwining our fingers, I smiled as we walked out of my office together and saw Severide walking with Stella without a mask. "Severide, you may want to put one on. There's a rumor that the commissioner's here." Severide nodded and then went to grab his mask from his pocket. "Thanks for the heads up. So, what's the plan for today at your place?"

Gabby smiled. "Sleep. We have 72 hours off so, if you need to talk to us...wait 48 hours. We are going to spend the next 2 days in bed together with Matteo." I liked the sound of that and smiled. Stella then looked at Gabby "What if we have questions about a possible wedding? I mean, you guys are the CFD experts considering you've gotten married twice and are now planning your third wedding." I laughed when she asked that.

Gabby nodded. "Sure, because our first 2 weddings were planned. Nice try. No, we need to figure our wedding out too. Remember, we have to plan while also taking care of a baby." Severide nodded and agreed. "Listen, sorry about Stella's change of heart when it comes to being your surrogate. That was my fault." Severide then wrapped his arm around her. "Just want her to have our kids first." I nodded and understood.

"Severide, it's fine. By the way, that was my last time being up on the roof last night. Every time we are up there....Gabby thinks I'm smoking." Severide nodded and understood. "Then maybe we need to get you on squad." I shook my head. "I'm moving ahead with becoming a full fledged paramedic. I'm actually getting re-certified in first-aid and CPR this week with Gabby's help. I may even get the stuff that allows you to do the extra stuff."

Gabby nodded and agreed. "Oh, you are doing that. Then you don't get in trouble if we need to incubate in the ambulance. I am just glad that I have the license and can't be punished for doing an incubation in the ambulance." Stella nodded and smiled. "Just to let you guys know, if Matteo is ever sick...I am okay with covering for one of you guys. It would be fun for me and you to work together Gabby. I did it once with Sylvie and loved it."

Gabby then looked up at me and smiled when we made it out to the apparatus floor. "If Matteo is ever sick, we will consider that. Maybe then Matt can stay home. He's on formula now so...we have more flexibility." Stella nodded and smiled when I said that. "Listen, can I give you a hug or are you scared?" Gabby shook her head. "Of course you can hug me." They then shared a hug and smiled. "Talk to you guys later." They both nodded and agreed, walking away.

That's when we saw Antonio arrive at the firehouse with Matteo. "Oh no, he must've had problems sleeping last night." Walking up the driveway while pushing Matteo in his stroller and carrying his bags, Antonio then looked at us after overhearing what I said. "He didn't sleep well last night. I think he's teething." Gabby then sighed and looked at him. "Sorry." Antonio then smirked. "Not like I slept much last night."

Gabby then slapped his arm. "Not in front of our son!" Antonio nodded and smiled. "Listen, Sylvie says hi and Happy New Year. Now, I am going back home to sleep. You guys slept last night. Enjoy him." Antonio then left and smiled at us. I then sighed and looked at Matteo. Grabbing his car seat from the stroller, I then looked at Gabby. "Here, can you carry this and I will fold up the stroller so we can head home?" Gabby nodded and agreed.

Once she was holding him, I set our other bags down for a minute and went to fold up the stroller. Once that was done, I grabbed it. I then went to grab my bags when I felt someone else pick them up. I turned around and saw Severide. "You carry the stroller. I got the bags. Now walk before I change my mind." I chuckled and smiled, nodding as we all walked away to our van together. I hoped that maybe we could talk quickly before we left considering we wouldn't be talking later.

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