Chapter 1124

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Matt's POV: When Sylvie asked me how my first New Year's Eve shift went, I smiled considering it was pretty easy. "It went great. Wasn't that hard. However, I have to tell you about this one thing that happened. Sorry if it deals with Antonio." Gabby then turned to look at me. "Oh, you mean..." I nodded and smiled. "Oh god, I still remember that." Sylvie then looked at us confused. "Remember what?"

I smiled when she asked. "Okay, so you know how Antonio was working the drive program right, to make sure people weren't drinking?" Sylvie nodded and agreed. "Okay, so we were coming back from a ambo run. And of course, on the way back...we run into the program. So, I roll down my window and see Antonio. I literally just say to him. 'I'm just going to roll through'. He laughed when he looked at me and then just agreed." 

Gabby smiled when I said that and nodded. "Then, he said 'Yes, because we both know you aren't drinking on shift'. It was hilarious. Atwater just looked so confused but, it was fun. I mean, what are the odds that we go through his ride program location?" Sylvie nodded and smiled. "Well, the odds are high since he went to the local one." I smiled and agreed.

That's when I started to hear Matteo crying from his bed. I turned to look at Gabby and sighed. "Want me to go get him and bring him out here?" Gabby then turned to look at me and nodded. "Sure, that would be great. Maybe Sylvie can hold him for a bit?" I nodded and agreed as I got up. I then made my way out of the living room and went to get Matteo in his crib.

Meanwhile, Gabby and Sylvie kept talking about the ride program. Deciding that they need a bit of girls' time, I decided to grab some milk from the fridge and feed him in bed. "Hey Gabby, I will feed him in bed okay? Give you guys a few minutes to chat before he comes out." Gabby then turned to look at me and smiled. "Thanks, that would be great." I nodded and smiled at her.

Once I had a bottle for Matteo, I turned around and went to make my way to our bedroom so that I could feed him in bed.

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