Chapter 1126

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Erin's POV: When Jay asked me whether I would be okay with him working from home while on paternity leave...I had mixed feelings. "Hank, I think this is a conversation that maybe me and Jay should have as husband and wife before you are included." Jay then looked at me and got a bit nervous at me answer. I then heard him whisper to me. "Everything okay?" I sighed while looking at him. "Can we talk alone without Hank butting in with his two cents?" Hank then spoke up. "Of course. You take your time and make that decision. I need to rest anyways."

I agreed and nodded. "Thanks Hank." I then moved to hang up before looking up at Jay and rubbing his chest. "Jay, I am not sure if I really want you to work on your paternity leave. When I said I wanted you to take one, it was for a reason. If you were just going to work from home...I wouldn't have told you to take one because it means you get a smaller salary." Jay then nodded as he put his hand on my hip while tugging the covers up a bit more. "Jay, I am going to be on bedrest after giving birth. I am going to be relying on you do do a lot for me."

Jay then moved to rub my back while kissing my head. I then decided to continue. "And I want you to bond with her too. She is going to be sleeping a lot when she is first born so...I want you with me so you can be there when she's up. Oh and you are going to be tired anyways." Jay was a bit confused when I said that. "Why would I be tired?" I didn't like that answer and went to glare at him. "What chapter are you at in the book I told you that you need to go through it before I gave birth?" Jay then bit his lip and sighed. "Chapter 1."

I then got mad. "Jay! I am giving birth in 4 months. You need to learn. Do you even know what swaddling is? How to make a bottle? How often they need to wake up? How to change a diaper? How to give a bath?" Jay then bit his lip and shook his head. "Erin, I am a first time dad. Isn't the entire point of having a kid so that you can learn how to take care of them?" I sighed and looked at him before remembering the type of book I gave you. "Jay, that's not the point. There's a reason that I found an audiobook version. So that you can listen to it in the gym!"

Jay then nodded and knew I was mad. "Erin, I promise...I'll get through it in the next 4 months. Anyways, we have had a busy past few months. Between moving you home from New York, to getting married, to Thanksgiving and Christmas. As well as work and then Hank getting shot and stuff, that is a lot to work around. I was mostly using the gym as stress relief and just time where I can concentrate on my mental health. Erin, you of all people should know how important mental health is when it comes to me. You know I'm worried. And when I worry..."

I then remembered what happens when he worries too much. He gets PTSD attacks. "Jay, I am so sorry. I forgot all about those." Jay then moved to rub my back before leaning down to kiss me softly. "I promise okay? I will make sure that I go through those books. Maybe I can listen to it while you take a nap or...we can listen to it together. That might be a good way to relax considering we really need to get your heartrate down." That's when I felt Jay's fingers on my neck. "So that's what you do when you have your fingers on my neck."

Jay nodded. "Will taught me how to take someone's blood pressure. I have been doing it a lot for you because I know that when your blood pressure is high...that means you are stressed or worried about something. And since that isn't good for the baby, I make sure to try and get you to relax. Whether that be by holding you or just finding a way to reassure you that everything is going to be okay....then I always do it so that you have a healthy pregnancy."

I smiled when Jay said that before leaning up to kiss him softly. "Have I told you recently just home much I love you?" Jay smiled when I said that before nodding. He then went to kiss me again when we were interrupted. I then groaned and looked at him. "Can we move upstairs? I would rather lay down in bed since it gives us more space." Jay nodded and smiled as he went to grab his phone. He then checked who is was calling and saw it was his brother.

He then ignored the call and activated Siri. "Siri, text Will" She then replied to him. "What do you want to say?" Jay then told her. "Call you in 2 minutes. Just getting comfortable with Erin." Siri then send the message for him. I then smiled when he did that. "Let's go upstairs? Then we can call Will." That's when Jay felt his phone vibrate. It was a text from Will. "Okay."

We then both got up so that we could go upstairs. Grabbing my hand so that he could help me upstairs, I smiled as we prepared to go lay down in bed together since it was going to be a lot more comfortable compared to us laying down on bed. However, he definitely was not going to be taking off his shirt. I need to relax since my blood pressure is high. That and I need to punish him for not yet reading the book. He needs to get that done soon. No sex until he's done.

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