Chapter 1106

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Jay's POV:
After bolting to the washroom with Matt, we both walked in to see the girls standing on the benches. "What's wrong?" Erin then looked at me and blushed. "We heard something in the washroom." Matt then decided to go check what it was when he saw it was just Gianna Mackey and Noah Valdez talking in the showers. "Oh, sorry." Mackey then turned to look at me. "Seriously, you can get all the privacy you want with Gabby but, I can't with Valdez?"

Matt then blushed and looked at him. "Make sure you guys talk to Cruz before this goes any further." Mackey then glared at me. "Why exactly?" Matt then sighed. "You know he sees you like a sister Mackey. And he's really stressed right now. Also, aren't you just a temp Valdez?" Valdez then shook his head. "No, I've been transferred here permanently now. Didn't I Mention that earlier? We're just keep it private to avoid the in-house rules."

Matt then nodded and agreed, closing the shower. Walking back over to Gabby and smiled at her as he went to wrap his arm around her. "They are just another one of us." Gabby chuckled as she wrapped her arm around Matt and held him close. Matt then kissed her forehead softly when we all heard the bells go off. "Ambo 51A, Shots Fired. Millennium Park" I then turned to look at Erin. "You guys go ahead, we are right behind you." Matt and Gabby then nodded as they ran off.

I then went to grab Erin's hand and sighed as we started to make our way out of the firehouse, rushing to my pickup. I then decided to call dispatch on our way out. "Halstead to Dispatch." Dispatch then responded. "Go ahead Halstead." I then replied. "Responding to shots fired at Millennium Park." Dispatch then replied. "How do you know about those, we just got that information now." I laughed and told them. :"We are at Firehouse 51. Our paramedic friends just told us." 

Once we got to the car, I let Erin in before running around to get in. Once I was in, I put my sirens on and started to drive to Millennium Park right behind Matt and Gabby. Even though we were right behind them, I still put my lights on to ensure that I could go through red lights without being stopped by anybody. We arrived pretty fast considering the streets were dead. And that wasn't very good. "One bad thing about this stay at home order for cops, quick escapes."

Erin sighed and nodded. "Hopefully we can get to the victim while still alive." I nodded and agreed. "I will ride back in the ambulance and speak to him okay? Meet me at the hospital?" Erin agreed, liking that idea. "That way, we can get an ID before he goes into surgery and work faster." I smiled when she said that. "Remind me to recommend that we start having officers at every firehouse in the city. That way, we can just follow the ambulances to all accidents, etc."

Erin smiled when I said that. "That's a really great idea." That's when we heard my phone ring. Checking who it was, we saw it was Gabby. I then answered it. "What's up?" Gabby then yelled. "I see someone fleeing towards the water. Coming right from the victim." Erin nodded and then looked at me. "Pull over and get going." I nodded and then went to slowly pull over the truck. Leaving the keys in the ignition...I then ran after the perp right towards the water. "CPD!"

Meanwhile, with Matt & Gabby
Matt's POV:
As I help the victim into the ambulance, we see Erin walk over. "Can we just talk to him for 2 seconds? Did you see who he was or what his name is?" The victim then spoke up. "It's my ex-husband. I just won full custody of our kids. Michael Belton." Erin then nodded and took a note. "Erin, take deep breaths and relax." Erin nodded and then looked at the victim. "Good luck." I then moved to put her in the back. "Gabby, go drive. I got her."

Gabby then nodded and went to get in the front seat. I knew I had to do this for her because this was going to hit close to home. She was in a custody battle and the last time we were involved in one we lost. More specifically, we lost the son we love...Louie. But now, we have Matteo and hopefully (someday), a beautiful baby girl named Elizabeth or another baby boy named Nicolas. But, I couldn't think about that right now. Right now, I had to concentrate on the victim.

Going to check her stats, I then went to grab some bandages and patched the whole in her side. I also went to check for an exit wound and found one. Thank god. The last time we had a gunshot victim in our ambulance, the bullet was still lodged in his body and we had to make sure that we didn't go too fast. Well, I did since I was driving. This time I was in the back and Gabby was driving. But, it was required. "How are you feeling Mrs. Belton?"

The woman then looked up at me. "Meyers. Not Belton." I agreed and nodded. "Then how are you feeling Mrs. Meyers." The victim then looked at me and gave me the stink eye. I just took a breath and understood. "Just a few deep breaths okay?" I then went to check on her breathing and smiled. "We are almost there." That's when I heard Gabby pull up to the hospital. She hit the gate separating the cab and back of the ambulance before helping me.

Once the back doors were open, she helped me get the gurney out before leading me into the hospital. Once we arrived, she talked to Maggie. "GSW to the abdomen. Shot by ex-husband." Maggie then looked at the victim. "Shit, we already have someone in Baghdad. Uhm, put her in Trauma 1. She's next in line for Baghdad." That's when she saw Will walk by. "Dr. Halstead, GSW to the abdomen. Trauma 1." Will then went to help us.

"Nice seeing you guys here." We all laughed and nodded as we walked over to the room. "Gabby, go do the forms, I will get the stuff." Gabby nodded and went to fill out the forms. Me and Will then moved Mrs. Meyers onto the bed. "Feel better and happy new year. Mrs. Meyers." Mrs. Meyers then nodded and looked at me. Nodding, I then turned to look at Will. "You watching the time?" He laughed and nodded. "I have an alarm set. Now, get to work. I need to work too."

I nodded and agreed before walking over to Gabby as she got a new gurney. I then went to help her with some new gloves. "Oh, we out of gloves?" I nodded. "We are getting low in the back area." Gabby nodded before grabbing some new sheets. She then put it down and smiled when we were done. That's when we saw Antonio walk in to speak to a car crash victim. I then decided to throw a towel against his arm.

Antonio then felt it and turned to look at me. "What are the odds that we see each other here?" I laughed and smiled. "You here to take the report on the GSW?" Antonio nodded. "Jay called. Erin got cold feet." I agreed. "Makes sense, this is a hospital after all." Antonio nodded. "Oh, that reminds me. I've been meaning to send these to you." He then sent me some pictures that Sylvie sent him of Matteo in future outfits for their twins.

"Let me guess, she's been shopping already?" Antonio nodded. "She wants to do stuff before she gets too big. Now listen, I need to work. Stay safe." Antonio then walked up to Gabby and kissed her cheek. "You too sis." Gabby then looked at him and nodded. "Bye Antonio." I then looked at her and smiled. "When we get back to the firehouse, I have to show you something." Gabby nodded and agreed. "Can we just get this? Then I want to relax for a bit in bed." I nodded and agreed as we prepared to pack up so we could get going.

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