Chapter 1090

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Back at the firehouse with Matt & Gabby
Matt's POV: As I sit in my office here at the firehouse, I sigh as I eat some lunch after a couple ambulance runs. I've decided just to eat when I'm hungry since I never known when I am going to be able to eat today. That's when I heard Gabby walk into the office and look at me. "You've been extra quiet over the past hour and a half. And you've been staying in here. You thinking about something that I need to worry about?" 

I sighed when I turned to look at her and bit my lip. "I enjoyed myself more than I expected while working with Severide today on rescue squad. I know out there I said I am sticking to ambulance but..." Gabby then nodded as she went to sit on my bed. I then turned look at her and sighed. "I know, you are probably mad at the fact that I am changing out plans after what I've promised you was exciting. The thrill was nice."

Gabby then looked at me and tried to relax on my bed but, I knew she was worried. "Matt, think about your lungs. What would that mean for them? Are you really willing to risk them when we both know that's exactly why you quit being a firefighter. And if you are really thinking about it then you need to tell me." I then saw she was worried. And I was about to say something when she continued. "Because I am not going to look at our option to have a second child unless you are with me. I am not going through it alone."

I then understood where her head was at and nodded. I then decided to get up and walked over to her. Sitting down next to her on my bed, I moved to wrap my arm around her and sighed as she cuddled up to me. I then put my hand on hers and went to kiss her forehead. "I am always going to be here with you okay? We are a team and nothing is going to get in the way of that." Gabby nodded and agreed. "It's just...I know I am putting on a brave front when it comes to this adoption or surrogacy thing...I still don't know which we are doing."

I bit my lip and thought about it. "I know, it's scary because you are scared of loosing another child. I am scared too Gabby. We both know what losing Louie did to us last time around. I am not going to let that happen again. That's why we are in this together." Gabby nodded and agreed. "And that's exactly my point Matt. You say we are in this together but...what happens if we go ahead and then something happens between the time where we commit to either adopting a child or starting surrogacy. I refuse to do it alone."

I understood what she meant and nodded. "And I don't want you to ever have to do it alone." I then bent down and kissed her softly. "Which is why I think we shouldn't even think about me moving from Ambo right now. Everything is great between us and our family situation is the best. Anyways, I need to be around for a long time. I finally have my dream life and I don't want to loose it. Nor do I ever what to be in a place where I have to say goodbye to you again."

Gabby nodded and smiled when I said that when we heard Severide walk up to my office. "Guess that means you aren't joining squad anytime soon?" I turned to look at him and sighed. "No, I need to be around for Gabby and Matteo. And possibly, a future child. We are looking into adoption and surrogacy next year. There's going to be a lot of kids that loose parents and need new homes with parents who will love them like they are a biological child."

Severide nodded and agreed. "Just remember that this time around, I am not going to be writing a letter of recommendation. You are going to have to do it Matt." Gabby then looked at Severide. "You don't need a letter of recommendation when you do surrogacy. And I don't need one from you because I am already an approved foster home. Well, we are. They just added Matt to my profile that I had with DCFS. Now listen, I want to look at something with Matt that's private."

Gabby then moved to get up and I looked at her. "What are we going to look at?" Gabby then smiled at me. "Something we need to start because I want to have a 2nd baby by the end of next year." She then walked away to go to the locker room. Severide then stared at me. "You guys really think you can handle 2 kids under 2?" I bit my lip and sighed. "I am not going to argue with Gabby. If she wants to do it, then we will. I owe her that. Anyways, we are just looking."

Severide nodded and agreed. "Wait, you looking at adoption or something else?" I shrugged and didn't know. "I'll let you know when Gabby gets back with the folder she went to get." That's when I saw Gabby walk in. "Nope, he doesn't get to know about this. This is private because it is something only me and you can know about considering it involves confidential information?" I looked at Gabby confused. She then pointed to the bed. "Sit down next to me."

I nodded and got up off my chair before deciding to slip off my shoes as I went to sit down on my bunk. Once that was done, Gabby passed me the folder and I opened it. I then realized why it had to be was information on potential surrogates. "Severide, we need to talk about this alone. This is confidential information for our eyes only." Severide nodded and agreed. "Of course. Just know my offer for the letter is always open."

Gabby nodded and agreed as she went to join me on the bed so we could look at the profiles. Waiting until Severide left to open the folder, I smiled when I saw him leave.

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