Chapter 1089

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Ruzek's POV: When people seemed to cringe at the thought of me leading intelligence, it got me wondering why exactly that was. And while Jay and Erin did leave, I could probably get their opinions later (not that they would really have any since they are going to lead it when Voight retires). I then decided to go forward and just put the question out in the open. "What's wrong with the thought of me being in charge of intelligence?"

Platt just looked at me and sighed. "Okay, how do I put this nicely? Uhm, you are not the most attentive to detail when it comes to work. And honestly, you get distracted all the time. If I had to choose between sending some of my uniformed out to assist with an undercover intelligence operation, I would choose Halstead, Lindsay and Dawson before I ever chose you. And that's even if Burgess was assisting you as co-head of the mission."

I sighed and realized that she was probably right. After all, Jay, Erin, and Antonio have all been trained and groomed to follow Hank in leading intelligence since the day they got to the unit. And Jay even has experience doing it when he was a ranger in Afghanistan. Just based on that, it makes total sense that I would be passed over to be interim head of intelligence. That's when I saw Kim rub my arm and sigh. "Sorry Adam but, I agree with Platt."

I nodded and smiled at her. "It's okay. If I had to make the decision, I would even pick Jay before I picked myself." Platt then looked at me when I said that. "And not Erin?" I sighed and then knew that I was not only making her upset when I said that but, I also made Kim upset since it looked like I was being sexist. "Okay, before you even go saying that I am being sexist. Just hear me out!" They both gave me some glares and I knew I had to tread lightly.

"Okay, this is the only reason. I will take a former Army Ranger who went to Afghanistan as an intelligence officer over a former federal agent any day. Think about it. Jay had to do his job while being the middle of a war zone. One wrong move and not just one person could die but his entire crew as well as himself. Does that not make sense?" They were about to answer when I added something. "And if it doesn't, just remember that I love you Kim!"

Kim laughed and smiled as she went to kiss my cheek. "It makes total sense. Sure, Erin may have done stuff as a federal agent that dealt with terrorism. But, Jay went and fought the terrorists on the battlefield in Afghanistan." Platt then nodded and smiled. "Looks like you escaped a night of sleeping on the couch there Ruzek. Since when did you get so smart?" I took offence when she said that but decided to shut since she could easily make Kim's life hell if she got a bad car.

"Okay, I am just going to ignore that for Kim's sake. I don't need to make you mad when Kim is pregnant. I want her to have good cars for the rest of the pregnancy. Preferably seats that have good back support and are less likely to break down." Kim smiled when I said that and nodded before wrapping her arm around my back. "You are so looking for brownie points." I then turned to look at her. "Nope, I speak from experience. Remember, my ex-fiancé was pregnant."

Platt then looked at me and nodded. "I keep forgetting that you almost had a kid before. So, this isn't your first rodeo when it comes to pregnant women. God, you picked a good one Kim." Kim smiled when she said that and nodded. "Listen, if we aren't staying here then can we get going? I would rather not be here when one of your officers brings in a criminal. They probably don't wear masks and are more likely to carry COVID around and spread it." I agreed and looked at her.

"Maybe I should talk to Hank to get you to work from home. You need to stay safe." Kim nodded and smiled at him. "See Platt, he is going to be a good father. Can you please not doubt my judgment anymore?" Platt then seemed insulted when Kim said that. "Me, judgmental?" I just looked at her and laughed. "Nice try Sergeant. We both know that you are the most opinionated person here and you aren't afraid to tell people what you think. But, we love you for that."

Platt then looked at me and nodded. "Yeah, yeah. I'm not your supervisor anymore don't need to work on the brownie points. Now, are you guys going to do patrol tonight?" We both nodded and agreed. Platt then went to grab some keys for a car. "Here then, take a car now and leave your car here. That way you can go directly to your assigned area from home." I smiled, liking the idea. "Thanks Platt." Kim then grabbed the keys and smiled. "What type?"

Platt smiled. "One of intelligence's pickups." I then went to grab the keys from Kim and smiled. "Thank you very much." Kim then glared at me. "Seriously?" I looked at her. "Babe, you can't even reach the peddles. We both know that because you've tried constantly." Kim then sighed and nodded, walking away. I then turned to look at Platt and then went to give her the keys back. "Can you just get me one for a jeep instead?" She nodded and smiled, giving me new keys.

Once I had them in my hand, I went to run after Kim. "Kim, wait up. I got new keys! They are for a Jeep!" I then pushed the door open and saw Kim there. She then smiled when I said that and nodded. "That mean I can drive?" I nodded and agreed. "Probably for the best. That way, I can jump in an out of the car if there's trouble. You can be on watch with me but, I am doing the arrests." Kim then glared at me when she remembered she is pregnant. "You're right."

We both nodded and agreed when I said that before walking away to go get in the Jeep.

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