Chapter 1148

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Gabby's POV: After making my way back from seeing my mom, I smiled as I was about to open the door to the restaurant when I was hit in the face by it. That's when I saw who it was. "Oh shit. Sorry babe." I then turned to look at Matt and glared at him. "Where are you going?" I then sighed. "Nowhere now. It was a delivery for Jay and Erin. I was going to go but not now." I agreed and nodded. Matt then went to yell inside. "Diego!" Diego then came rushing. "Oh my, you okay aunt Gabby?"

I nodded. "Diego, just go to deliver the order. Your uncle is going to help me." Diego then nodded. "I got it. The address?" I looked at him. "I'll text it to you." I then went to grab my phone and texted it to him while getting up. That's when I saw that my nose was bleeding. "Matt, nose bleeding. Diego, go." Diego then nodded and left while Matt helped me up. Once I was up and Diego left, we made our way inside. Matt then yelled to Hermann.

"Hermann, can I get a wet towel and some ice? I hit Gabby with the door by mistake." Hermann then nodded and went to get one ready as he stood behind the bar. Matt then grabbed it and helped me onto a bar stool. "Here, let me help." I then nodded and watched as Matt cleaned me. "You know I am really sorry, right?" I nodded and agreed. "Matt, I'm fine." Matt then sighed as he put some ice on my face and then smiled at me.

Matt then turned to look at Hermann "Hermann, can you take the next order? I will stay and help Gabby." Hermann then nodded when the phone rang. "Molly's." He then went to take the order and smiled. It has to be his kids or Cindy. When he hung up, I looked at him. "Cindy?" He nodded and smiled. "The kids want the deserts we have here. She couldn't say no because she is exhausted. By the way Matt, I need to talk to you when I get a chance."

Matt nodded and agreed. He then went back to tending to me and checked if I was okay. "You need more or are you okay?" I smiled at him. "I'm fine, just like I said. Now, talk to Hermann." He then turned to look at Hermann and nodded. "What's up?" Hermann then sighed. "I am out next shift. I have to take Lee Henry to his community college exam that was pushed back." Matt then sighed. "You want me to be captain for a day?" 

I then looked at him. "Matt, no. You are not doing it again. You remember what you asked me to do?" Matt then nodded and remembered. "Sorry Hermann, can't or I will be tempted to return to truck. Can you get a reliever? Or you can ask Stella to do it. She's passed her Lieutenant Exam." Hermann then remembered and nodded. "Okay, I will ask her when she comes in to work. She's going to help with deliveries too. She is going to take over when Diego is done at 9." 

That's when we heard Stella and Severide come in. "Until then, I am going to help out at the bar considering we both know that it's the only way I can hang out with Gabby." I smiled when she said that and nodded. "By the way, thanks for all wearing masks in here?" Hermann then sighed. "By-law. All staff need to have masks on if you are working as a take out restaurant. Since we are, that means we need to wear masks." We both agreed and smiled at that.

Stella then looked at me. "By the way, I need to speak to the owners of Molly's. I want to ask you guys a favor." Matt then turned to look at us all. "Cruz, get out here." Cruz then came out of the kitchen quickly. "What's up?" Stella then smiled at us all. "So listen, me and Severide have came to a decision pretty early on about our wedding. We have started to look at vendors and stuff. But, one thing we pretty much already decided was who we are awarding our catering contract to." We all then looked at them shocked.

Severide then smiled as he looked at us. "What do you guys think about Molly's catering our wedding?" Hermann then loved that idea. "Yes please. We would be honored. We can take all the business we can get." Severide then looked at him. "We want a discount of course." I then nodded and agreed. "You can get a discount by paying for my bridesmaid's dress." Stella then turned to look at her. "Oh no, you aren't wearing a dress."

I was confused when she said that. "Why not?" Stella smiled when I said that. "Our entire wedding party is all CFD or CPD. So, you are going to be wearing your uniform." I was shocked when she said that. "But, what about when we dance?" Severide then sighed. "We are booking it here. That's why we asked you to be our caterer. We are also leasing the space for the reception." Hermann liked that idea and nodded. "Let me get the calendar out."

I then decided to turn my head and look at Matt. "Want to book it here?" Matt then looked at me and knew what I was talking about. "The reception?" I agreed and smiled while grabbing my hand when Hermann came out with the reservation book. "What date are we reserving?" Severide then smiled. "August 14th at 3 pm." Hermann nodded and agreed. I then turned to look at him and spoke up. "And September 4th at 12:30 pm" 

Hermann then looked at me. "Why that day?" I looked at him. "Why am I going to book another restaurant to cater our vow renewal when I can do it for free at our restaurant?" Hermann then nodded and agreed. "Of course. We will close it that afternoon. However, you need to be out of here by 4 so we can at least get the supper rush." Matt agreed and smiled. "Works for me." I then smiled at him when we heard another order come in. Matt then yelled. "I got it." Matt then got it and went to take the order.

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