Chapter 1141

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Matt's POV: Once we got back to our place, I smiled as me and Antonio walked in. Grabbing his coat, I went to hang it up in the closet while he took off his boots. That's when I saw Sylvie walk over to us. "Hey." Antonio then went to hug her and smiled as he kissed her softly. "How is my family?" Sylvie smiled. "Good and happy you're here. Ready to get some massage." Antonio then joked with her. "So, that's the only reason you need me here?" Sylvie then slapped his arm. "And we want to talk. Now, go hug your sister and nephew." 

Antonio then nodded and smiled. "Hey sis." Walking over to Gabby he went to hug her. Gabby then smiled as she hugged him when he kissed her cheek. "You know about Matt and Sylvie's history right?" Gabby then looked at him, confused. "Yeah why?" Antonio looked at me. "Just making sure that you know." I took offence to that. "Antonio! Of course I told her. I wanted her to have an informed decision about us getting back together. That involved letting her know I had a quick fling with her best friend." Antonio nodded. "Sorry."

I then went to bring Gabby to the couch and smiled. "You ready for that foot massage and nail painting or are we doing something else first?" Gabby then smiled. "No, go ahead." I then went to grab the nail polish and waited for her to sit. I then got to work right away. Antonio stared at me and was shocked. "Wow, you weren't kidding when you said you would do that." I then looked up at him. "Antonio, we are quarantining and AI don't have much to do. Might as well do stuff that can make the wife happy. Happy wife, happy life."

Gabby then turned to look at me. "You forgot the last part." I then smiled at her and nodded before smirking. "That part though is not appropriate to say in front of your brother." Antonio was confused and looked at me. "What you talkin...oh, that type of life." I laughed and smiled. "This just got even more awkward. Between or conversation in the car and now this, wow." Sylvie then walked back over to the couch and sat down. "What did you talk about in the car?" I smirked at Antonio and we both agreed not to talk about it.

"It's guy talk. Not really appropriate for women's ears." Gabby then glared at me. "Seriously?" I laughed and smiled. "All I said was that us pampering our girls might lead to us being pampered tonight. I never said what type of pampering. Heck, it could just be a really nice make out." Antonio then turned to look at me. "Bull! We both know what type of pampering we were talking about." I then turned to look at Antonio. "Antonio, shut up!" Gabby then laughed and smiled at me. "Don't worry, we are relaxing anyways. Still tired from last night. By the way, Happy New Year Antonio. Nice seeing you twice today."

I smiled when she said that. "Once we are done with this, we might want privacy actually. You guys should go talk anyways." Sylvie nodded and agreed. "Sorry for storming out earlier Antonio. I just wanted to spend time with my best friend." Antonio nodded and agreed. "It's okay. We are past it. But yes, once we are done here...we can definitely go back to our place. However, I wouldn't object to being offered a chance to stay for supper." Gabby nodded and smiled before turning to look at me. 

"Of course you can stay for dinner. We can keep pampering the girls with a nice homemade supper." Antonio chuckled and agreed as we continued to paint their nails.

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