Chapter 1084

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Back with Matt & Gabby once they are at work
Matt's POV: As I walk around the firehouse, I smile when I see Gabby standing at the photocopier. "What exactly are you photocopying?" Gabby then turned to look at me, jumping. "Shit Matt, you scared me." I chuckled and smiled. I then went to look at the paper and smiled as I went to read it. "You're invited to the Vow Renewal of Mr. Matthew Casey and Mrs. Gabriella Casey on September 4, 2021 at 6:30 pm in Chicago's Millennium Park." I smiled as I looked at the invitation.

Gabby then smiled. "As much I hate you using your political connections, thanks for working your magic to get us that venue. It is going to be amazing. Right under the Cloud Gate so we can have a mirror on top of us. Oh and right at sunset when it isn't busy. Also, where did you put the food?" I smiled when she asked. "It's in the fridge. Now, give me those and then I can go hang it up on the bulletin board. Then, we'll make the announcement." Gabby smiled, giving me one.

I then went to walk away to put the flyer on the bulletin board. Unfortunately, Hermann was sitting right there. "Excuse me Hermann." Hermann then nodded and moved over when he saw me pin something up. "What's that?" I then went to walk away and sat down. "Read for yourself." Hermann then got up and got everybody's curiosity. He then read it out loud for the entire firehouse. "You're invited to the Vow Renewal of Mr. Matthew Casey and Mrs. Gabriella Casey on September 4, 2021 at 6:30 pm in Chicago's Millennium Park at the Cloud Gate."

Severide then looked at me. "Seriously man, we haven't even picked our wedding date yet. What if we wanted to use that day?" I glared at him and shook my head. "You are not getting married 48 hours after my first wedding anniversary." Gabby then walked out and looked at me. "Excuse me, your first wedding anniversary?" I then looked up at Gabby and smiled. "Our anniversary." Gabby then nodded and smiled as she went to sit next to me.

I then went to look at Severide again. "Anyways, you need to be there Severide. Or, do you want me to ask Antonio to be the best man in my wedding again?" Severide was shocked when I said that. "What, you want me to be your best man this time?" I nodded and smiled. "That was always the plan. Now, we get to make that plan a reality. Plus, I am going to be the best man at your wedding so, just makes sense." Severide nodded and smiled.

"Oh about that, you need to make sure that Matteo can walk by the time we get married." I laughed and nodded. "I need to get him walking by the end of June. First, he needs to be the ring bearer in Antonio and Sylvie's wedding. You guys learn the date yet?" Severide was about to answer when I saw Gianna Mackey walk in. "June 26, 2021. I got the invite." I turned to look at Gianna and smiled. "Hey Gianna, you okay with sharing ambulances?"

Gianna nodded. "Yes, we will leave the keys in the ambulances. Now, just need to figure out who my reliever is. I just hope it isn't Chout."  That's when we heard the reliever walk in. "Nope, it's me again Gianna." Gianna then turned to look at her reliever and smiled. I then got up and went to walk over. "Hi, I don't think we've met yet." That's when the other paramedic shook his head. "No, who are you?" I smiled at him. "Paramedic-in-Chief Matthew Casey."

"Reliever paramedic Noah Valdez." We then shook hands and smiled. "Glad to meet you. Now, Gianna and me just agreed that we will leave the ambulance keys in the ambulances. No specific ambulances tonight. We just take the one that's in the front." Noah then nodded. "Or we can park them backwards?" I thought about that and nodded. "I would like to but, it's not practical with the traffic tonight. So, just leave the keys in."

That's when we heard Boden walk in. "Glad to see you're taking your paramedic-in-chief duties seriously Matt. By the way, I want to RSVP yes for 3 for your wedding in September." I nodded and smiled. "You, Donna and Terrence?" He agreed and smiled. "Any reason for September?" I smiled and looked at Gabby as she went to sit down next to me. I then sat down too and grabbed her hand. "It's the weekend of our first wedding anniversary.

That's when we heard Cruz sit down with some food. "And you guys aren't going to want to be out of town that weekend to celebrate your anniversary?" I sighed and thought about that. "We can always take a few days off." Gabby then grabbed my hand and nodded. "We are taking time off that week anyways. Chief, we need to book that week off. The week of August 29th?"

Chief was confused. "Why exactly?" Gabby smiled and looked at me. "Well, our anniversary. But, it's also Matteo's first birthday and we would like to spend time with him." He agreed and smiled. "I will put that request in ahead of time to guarantee you it. Now, you guys might want to eat up so that you can get to work when...." "Ambo 51A, COVID - 7686 Upper Wacker."

Gianna and Noah then got up and went to get in the ambulance since it's a COVID call. However, Boden was not happy. "Why didn't you guys go? You're PIC Matt." Matt then turned to look up at him. "COVID calls. We said that we were not doing COVID calls tonight since we have 2 ambulance teams here at the firehouse. Well, at least if we are both here." I looked at him and nodded. "Chief, if we are here alone...then we will gladly go. But can we please try and keep it out of our family. Remember, Antonio's kids have already had it and so has Matt's sister."

Boden nodded and understood. "Understood. However, that doesn't happen when there's a..." We then heard the loud speaker. "Squad 3, Truck 81...." Everybody then got up and listened to the address. "Willis Tower Skydeck. Jumper." We then all went to save him. On our way out, Boden looked at Matt and smiled. "You know, since this isn't a could always help out Matt." I decided to turn to look at Gabby and smiled.

Gabby's POV: When Matt asked me if he could help since it wasn't a fire, I decided to let him. "Go ahead. You did this before and did a great job." I nodded and smiled, going to kiss her as I went to look at Hermann. "Hermann, I'm captain for this call!" Hermann nodded and agreed, moving to the back. Matt then went to run into the coat closet to get his gear. Meanwhile, I looked at Gianna and got in the ambulance with her. "That means I'm PIC for this call." Gianna nodded and agreed as waited for Matt to get in truck.

Matt waived at me as he got in the truck and then told Stella to leave.

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