Chapter 1151

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A couple hours later when Hank has left to go home:
Jay's POV: Once Hank went home, I smiled since that meant that me and Erin could now get quite comfortable in bed. However, first I needed to get her upstairs and out of the kitchen where she was doing the dishes rather than just putting them in the dishwasher. Walking up behind her, I smiled as I went to put my hands on her hips and then moved to kiss her back softly. That's when she moved her hands to mine. "Let me guess, you want me to not do the dishes and instead come upstairs with you?" I nodded while turning her around.

"If I know you, you are going to want to work early tomorrow. So, I would like you to get some rest. You were really tired last night and I want you to get some rest before work." Erin then agreed and smiled as she stepped close to me. "Okay, but I want a little bit of attention from you before we head upstairs." I then smiled when she said that. "How about instead of before we head upstairs....when we get upstairs? We both know that it's much easier for me to give you pleasure when we are laying down in bed together."

Erin then chuckled and smiled, agreeing with me on that. "That is very true. Now, are you going to do the dishes tonight or are we just heading upstairs right now." I then smiled at her before going to push a strand of hair behind her ear. I then went to kiss her softly before moving to lean down and kiss her neck softly. "Depends what my wife wants." Erin then smiled when I said that before grabbing my back and turning her head to kiss me softly. "Turn the lights off and let's go upstairs where we can relax in bed together." I agreed and smiled before going to shut the lights off. I then came back and grabbed her hand.

Once we left the kitchen, I smiled as we started to make our way upstairs so that we could relax in bed. "So, what are you expecting for when we get in bed?" Erin then laughed and smiled. "Honestly, what I would really like is for you to hold me close and kiss me. That's all I need tonight. I am quite tired actually. So, is that okay?" I then nodded as I turned to look at her. "Of course. Now, let's get going upstairs and we can relax in bed." Erin then smiled and nodded while following me upstairs. "I still have to brush my teeth though." I smiled and nodded. "Me too." Once we were upstairs, we walked right into our room.

Once we were in our room, Erin looked at me. "I am going to get changed, you go brush your teeth." I agreed and nodded, walking away to the master bathroom so that I could brush my teeth. Once I was in there, Erin starting to get changed. I could hear her struggling and knew she probably needed help. "You need help Erin?" Erin then yelled back. "With my pants. Starting to get hard to bend over." I agreed and nodded as I came back out to help her. "Don't be scared to ask for help okay? It's why I'm here." She agreed and smiled as she sat on the edge of the bed so that I could take off her pants.

Once her pants were off, I got up again and moved to kiss her softly. "If you are really tired, we can go right to sleep okay?" Erin nodded and smiled. "That would be appreciated. I am much more tired recently. Tomorrow though, I am not working. I don't care whether we need to go in." I nodded and agreed. "Neither of us are. It's Saturday tomorrow." Erin smiled when I said that before nodding. "Good, now let's go brush our teeth so we can head to bed.:" I agreed and nodded before grabbing her hand as we walked away to the washroom together.

Once we were in the washroom, I smiled when I walked in with her and then went to grab my toothbrush that I already put toothpaste on. Erin then decided to put her hair up before brushing her teeth and smiling at me. "I swear, I am getting lazy when it comes to doing my hair." I laughed and smiled at her. "Called being tired most of the time." She agreed and smiled when I said that. "Tomorrow, can we just stay in bed? I would like to just spend the day cuddling up to you and resting." I agreed and smiled at that idea. "I love that idea. Just me and the woman I love relaxing in each other's arms all day."

Erin smiled when I said that and nodded. "Exactly what I was thinking. However, that doesn't mean we are just going to ignore our phones. If we are required to do something for work, then we have to. But, we can do it from our bed." I agreed and nodded while brushing my teeth. Quickly brushing, I smiled when I moved to spit the toothpaste into the sick. Once that was done, I decided to grab the deodorant I had next to the sink to put some on. Erin then smiled when she spit out and looked at me. "Thanks, I've been meaning to say something." I then looked at her. "How long have you waited?"

She then bit her lip and smiled. "Since Hank was here. You were pretty stinky most of the day considering you worked out earlier." I sighed and agreed with her. "Promise me that you will tell me when I stink ahead of time? It's embarrassing to smell when I am in front of Hank." Erin the agreed and nodded as she went to try and take off the necklace she was wearing. "God, I am really this tired aren't I? I can't even take off my necklace." I then decided to help her and smiled. "Here, let me help you then." Erin smiled and let me help her with her necklace. "Thanks."

I then went to take it off and nodded smiling. "No need to thank me for doing these simple things for you Erin, it's my job as your husband." She agreed and smiled when I said that. "Listen, let's just head to bed." I agreed and smiled, grabbing her hand before following her to bed so that we could go to bed and relax for the rest of the night. Once we were in the bed, I decided to let her get in first because she was the one who was tired. Once she was in bed and comfortable, I took off my pants and went to join her. "Here we go." Erin then smiled as she cuddled up to me. "Goodnight Jay.": I smiled and agreed. "Night Erin." I then moved to kiss ehr head as we ended up falling asleep in each other's arms.

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