Chapter 1150

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Jay's POV: After making our way downstairs, I smiled when I saw Hank getting the stuff out in the kitchen. "Thanks for paying Hank." Hank then turned to look at us and smiled. "You okay kiddo? I heard some yelling up there. You need me to do something to Halstead because you fought?" Erin sighed and shook her head. "Just a bad dream I don't want to talk about." I then looked at Hank and sighed. "Don't even ask, believe's stuff I need to talk to her about alone." Hank nodded and agreed, starting to understand that there is stuff that me and Erin have to talk about as husband and wife instead of with his input.

We then both went to start making our plates when we saw that there was already plates made for us. "Wow, they even sent paper plates already made for us to eat on." Erin then went to grab the receipt and looked at the note. "We only provide the best of service for our favorite customers. Enjoy the pre-made paper plates. -Matt." I laughed when he said that and nodded. "I swear, this is why I love ordering from their restaurant. Free delivery and we give money to our friends rather than just random corporate restaurants who already make enough money as it is. Support small businesses am I right?" We all nodded and laughed.

Hank then added on. "Plus, you aren't just helping one of your friends. You are also helping out one of your own. Remember, Platt is a part-owner of the business." I smiled at him. "By the way Hank. Me and Erin were hoping to have some time alone after supper. Is that okay with you?" Hank then nodded and understood. "Of course. The reason you are probably asking is related to the problem you just had up there didn't you?" I nodded and sighed. "Yes, so it would be nice if we could just relax together for a while. Get through it together." Hank agreed and smiled. "If it helps keep Erin calm in the pregnancy, then of course."

I smiled when he said that because that was exactly what I thought. Hank always wants the best for Erin and considering she's pregnant, he has been really understanding. He can probably tell that we are really excited to have this child and that is completely true. However, the other thing that is true is or no baby, I love being Erin's husband and I plan on being her husband for the rest of her life. And part of my job as her husband is to support her through the good times and the bad times. And it seems right now (emotionally at least), she's going through a rough time that we need to talk about.

That's when I decided to concentrate on supper once again. "Hey, that's my wrap babe." Erin then turned to look at me. "Jay, we have the same wraps. Now, where is the chicken caesar. I want to put it on a plate so I can eat it at the same time as my chicken wrap." I then looked around for it and went to grab it. "Here it is. Not as big as I expected but, I guess it will be okay. Here, you take whatever you need first Erin and then we can split up whatever is left between the two of us." Hank nodded, liking that idea. "Exactly what I was thinking."

I laughed and smiled at him, starting to realize just how much I appreciate having his trust when it comes to Erin. I am always so worried that I am doing stuff wrong but now, not so much. I feel so confident in how I am dealing with everything that I can truly see that I am doing a great job. After thinking in my head a bit, I saw Erin was done and then gave the salad to Hank. "Guest first." He agreed and smiled before putting some salad on this plate. I then grabbed the rest before looking at Erin as she sat down on the couch. I then decided to go and join her.

Moving to sit next to Erin, I smiled when I put my plate down on my lap and started to eat my wrap and salad. That's when Hank sat down and grabbed his beer. "You forgot your beer Jay." I then turned to look at him. "I'll drink it when I am done eating. Would rather not spill it. I don't have a side table like you do." He nodded and agreed. "Then you might have to hurt your back right." I chuckled and nodded because that was exactly why I didn't want to have to get down on the ground. I definitely would hurt my back and that wasn't fun. 

Once we were all sitting down, I smiled as we started to eat together as a family for the next hour. Taking my time to eat (since I always ate faster than Erin), I was glad that I took my time since it allowed me to concentrate on the conversation and actually laugh while I was eating there with her and Hank. 

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