Chapter 1136

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Jay's POV: After taking a shower, I smiled as I came downstairs to see Erin standing in the kitchen while making a sandwich. I then decided to walk up behind her and moved my hands to her hips. I then moved my arms around her and put my hands on her baby bump. "I thought we were heading to Hank's to eat lunch with him?" Erin smiled when she heard my voice before turning around to look at me. "Jay, I'm pregnant. I need to eat more often than you think." I nodded and understood while stepping close to her. I then kissed her softly. 

"I know. Hank has made that pretty clear." Erin smiled when I said that before moving to hug me. Feeling her arms around my neck, I moved my hands to her back and smiled as we held each other close. Running my hands around her body and enjoying the feeling of her tight dress, I smiled at her. "I swear, you know that you drive me crazy when you wear these tight dresses right babe?" Erin chuckled and nodded. "That's kinda the point of wearing them. That way, I know that I am guaranteed a whole lot of pleasure form my man."

I smiled when she said that before going to kiss her softly. "You are going to be the death of me woman. With you being so gorgeous and sexual...I am definitely going to be needing a lot of cold showers once this little girl is born because I know she is going to be the biggest condom ever." Erin laughed when I said that. "Did you just call our daughter a piece of plastic that goes around you manhood?" I bit my lip and nodded. "Sorry but, yes. I mean you had to admit that our sex life is basically going to go down the drain the minute she's born." Erin sighed and nodded.

"I wish that wasn't the case because we both know how much I enjoy getting pleasure from my army ranger husband in bed." I smiled when she said that before nodding. "I am just glad that I was able to get out of going to the capital in a few days." Erin then backed up and looked at me. "When did you get called up for service? And how did you get out of it?" I sighed and looked at her. "Maybe two nights ago. And I got out of going because I explained to them that my wife is pregnant and that her father is currently recovering from being shot. It's related to the joint session of congress where they are going to count the electoral college votes."

Erin looked at me and was confused. "Okay, how do you know that's what the deployment is all about?" I then smiled at her. "Because you might have classified clearance from the FBI that gives you information to counterterrorism sources...I have a top secret classified clearance that gives me information from the military regarding that information. Just promise me that you won't ever use it to your advantage. I can go to jail for sharing the stuff I have access to." Erin then realized something. "Wait, do you have the same clearance that Snowdon had?" 

I thought about it and nodded. "Yeah so, I can get information that not even Hank knows. However, do not ever expect me to use it when we are leading the unit. And promise me right here right now that you will never try to abuse your power as my future supervisor to push me to give you information that is classified by the US government. Erin, as much as I love you...I have to draw the line when it comes to information that I can get because I used to serve our country in uniform. That is one step too far that I will not cross as much as I love you." Erin nodded and agreed. "Hey, I get it. And I promise that I won't ask okay? Thanks for letting me know what you can and can't tell me though." I sighed when she said that.

"However, I am going to make an exception to information that can be used to protect you and your life. That I will share because I can talk to my commanders and easily get them to go easy on me when it comes to protecting my family. They have a soft spot for families. Actually about that, I think I should even try to get you registered for the classified system." Erin then looked confused when I said that. "Why, I don't need classified clearance." I then sighed. "It's so that I can let you use my phone without being monitored. I have my DOD e-mail on there that still has e-mails from when I was overseas. That's why I say not to read my e-mails. I am just glad that you haven't gotten mad when I say that considering it's like keeping secrets."

Erin sighed when I said that. "Listen, I understand that I am a military wife okay? And I understand that there are secrets that you can't share. I promise Jay, I am not going to push you for access to the information because I don't want you to get in trouble with the military. Because then, you might get court martialed. That's the term right?" I nodded and smiled, loving that she learned the right terminology. "Well, if you get court can go to jail and I don't want that. I don't want our daughter to be raised with me out here while her dad is in a military jail somewhere far away." I understood and nodded. "I promise, that will never happen. I am doing everything to protect you. However, I want to tell you to just watch the news."

Erin then got nervous. "You have information about what might be happening later this week in Washington don't you?" I sighed and nodded. "Let's just say that it doesn't look pretty. I just hope that everybody stays safe. I know some of the military forces that are going there. I worked closely with the DIA which is headquartered at Joint Base Anacostia-Boiling." Erin then looked at me confused. "What are those?" I sighed. "Defense Intelligence Agency. And Joint Base Anacostia-Boiling is where Air Force One is headquartered." Erin agreed and nodded.

"Wow, so you have really close ties to the top of the military don't you?" I nodded and smiled. "I didn't want to say this but may say you have a higher security clearance than me but, that's not true. I have a much higher security clearance because of the fact that I went to Afghanistan. Heck, even Mouse has a higher security clearance than you do." Erin agreed and smiled. "I like talking about military with you. Think maybe you can tell me more stories from your time in the military or do you think it would be too hard?" I sighed and bit my lip when she asked that. "Erin, it's not that I don't want too. It's just my PTSD I am worried about. It's gotten worse now that there's rumors that the military is thinking of pulling out more."

Erin then nodded. "You are scared that something like 9/11 could happen again?"

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