Chapter 1086

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20 Minutes Later at Chicago Med
Will's POV: As I walk around the Emergency Department at the hospital, I smile when I see one of our residents working. I haven't seen him around so I was worried he left us. "Dr. Sexton?" Noah then turned to look at me and smiled. "Dr. Halstead. I've been trying to run into you for a while. I wanted to give my late congratulations on both your wedding and your future child." I smiled when he said that. "And I wanted to check on you. I know you used to work under Dr. Choi. Surprised you aren't at McCormick Place with him."

Noah shook his head. "I wanted to be here instead. Need to make sure that at least one of my parents' kids survives this pandemic and April is already putting herself at higher risk." I nodded and agreed when I started to hear the ambulance come in. I then looked at Noah. "You are with me on this." Noah nodded and then walked with me. "You sure you don't want Natalie?" I shook my head. "It's okay, she's working in the NICU today." Noah agreed when we saw it was Matt and Gabby. Gabby then spoke.

"Cardiac arrest. Revived twice in ambulance." Matt then added on. "HR is 110/90." I nodded and then thought about where to put him. "Trauma 1." I then walked over with him and looked at Dr. Sexton. "Attach him to the monitors and take over CPR for Gabby." He nodded and then went to grab the monitor. Once the gurney was next to the bed, I looked at Matt. "On my count. 1, 2, lift." He then lifted and moved to put him on the bed (with Gabby still on top of him). Noah then went to connect the patient to the monitor while Gabby was still on top of him.

His hand got a bit too close for comfort and Noah knew that. "I am so sorry. That was unintentional." He turned to look at Matt. Matt then nodded. "You know we are married I guess?" Noah nodded and smiled. "Congrats on your adorable son. The nurses gossip about him. I think I've seen a picture thanks to April. She's good friends with Kelly remember?" Matt smiled and nodded as he went to grab the gurney. "Here Gabby, how about you do this and I will do the paperwork. You taught me, now I have to do it." Gabby agreed and nodded.

That's when I saw Matt look at Noah. He then put his hand on his shoulder and smiled. "Noah, no need to worry about apologizing okay? I am not going to get jealous when it comes to Gabby. We have an amazing son together and nothing is going to split us apart." He agreed and nodded. "Dr. Sexton, the patient." He then nodded. "Sorry." He then went to work on the patient while Matt walked away. I then followed him out. "Don't do that again. We don't have the time to talk today. We are busy because it's New Year's Eve."

Matt agreed and nodded as he started to work on the paperwork. "You going to try and sneak out with Natalie at midnight?" I chuckled and nodded. "You plan on doing the same with Gabby?" Matt nodded and smiled. "I can't wait to kiss her under the moonlight at midnight." I went to rub his back and smiled when I heard Gabby come back. "See you later Will. We'll be back a lot today." I nodded and agreed. "Heck, I would just stay in the ambulance."

Matt looked at Gabby and smirked at the idea. Gabby then shook her head. "Thanks a lot Will!" She then looked at Matt. "Get that idea out of your head or else I won't be asking Antonio to give us tomorrow morning without Matteo. I am thinking about it in case we have a busy night." Matt then nodded and watched her leave. I then chuckled and smiled at him. "She has you wrapped around her finger." Matt nodded and turned to look at me. "And Natalie doesn't?"

I was about to say something when Natalie came out to the football. "Oh, I definitely do. However, when this little girl is born...I bet she is going to be the one that really controls her father." I then looked at Natalie and smiled. "You sure it's going to be a girl?" Natalie nodded. "I am not carrying the same way as I did with Owen. Unless it's because they don't have the same father...then I don't see any reason why it wouldn't be a girl." I nodded and understood.

Matt then smiled at Natalie. "You guys going to find out?" Natalie nodded and smiled. "I want to be able to tell everybody in case one of our friends die before I give birth." I then decided to walk over to Natalie and wrapped my arm around her. I then moved to kiss her forehead softly and sighed. "Natalie, I promise that won't happen." Natalie nodded and agreed when she got paged. "I wanted to see if you wanted to come help upstairs for a bit? I am down a doctor. He's on break." I nodded and smiled. "Sure. Let's go." I then turned to look at Matt. "Have a good shift."

Matt nodded and smiled as he waved to me before finishing the paperwork. Meanwhile, me and Natalie made our way to the elevator so we could go upstairs to the NICU.

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