Chapter 1094

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Meanwhile with Jay & Erin
Jay's POV: As I stand in the kitchen after getting changed, I smile as I make a snack for me and Erin as we prepared to spend the rest of the year in bed. I know it's still early but we decided to let the intelligence unit off for the rest of the year since we are doing the ride program. Luckily for me, I got it off because Erin is pregnant and Hank is out at the hospital. At least, that's what I thought when I got Antonio's text. 'Just ran into Hank at the ride program.'

I then read the text and got furious. I didn't care if he was my boss...he was also Erin's father and my daughter's future grandfather. He was going to get a piece of my mind right now. I then kept reading the text and checked the time when he said it. I saw it was 10 minutes ago so that meant I could call him since Voight would be home by now. Calling him, I waited for him to answer so that I could give him a piece of my mind. That's when he answered. "Voight speaking, what can I do for you?"

I then went to lean against the counter and spoke to him. "First of all, you are going to listen to me as your son-in-law and not your employee. Is that understood?" Voight then figured out it was me and sighed. "Hank, you got shot! You are supposed to rest. You really think Antonio wasn't going to tell me he saw you at the ride program!" Hank understood. "Of course he did, I already knew about that." I sighed and took a breath. "Hank, Erin has been worried all night that you would be out there. I told her that you wouldn't. Now, I'm a liar!"

That's when I heard Erin come downstairs in her short shorts and one of my t-shirts. "And what exactly are you lying to me about?" I then decided to put Hank on speakerphone. "Hey Hank, how about you keep me out of trouble with my wife and tell Erin where you were tonight?" Hank then lied. "I have no idea what you are talking about Halstead. I was home the entire time." I then looked at Erin, hoping that she could see through the bull. "Oh that's bull Hank! I overheard what Jay said because he yelled. Seriously Hank, you're out tonight?"

Hank groaned and talked to Jay. "Seriously Halstead, you had to yell so the entire house could hear?" I then spoke up to him. "Hank, this is serious. You got shot. You know what my brother said. You are now deemed to be a high risk category to get COVID. And not just because of your age but because you have a compromised immune system. In fact, let me just do something." I then went to call my brother, hoping he could talk to his patient. 

When I did that Will answered right away. "Jay, you and Erin okay?" I then sighed. "We are fine Will. I just need you to talk to one of your patients." I then went to merge the calls. "Want to remind Mr. Voight what your doctor's orders were? Or should we just send him back to you so he can't drive around in his car tonight." Will then took over. "Mr. Voight. I expect to see you here in an hour with night clothes. A condition of your release was that you stay home with Olive. You shall return and stay for another few nights until your COVID test comes back negative."

Hank then groaned. "Yes Dr. Halstead." He then hung up. "Can you text me when he's there Will? I don't trust him that he won't go there." Will sighed. "I will try. We are pretty swamped Jay." I agreed. "Just when you get a chance okay? I have to go okay? I need to get Erin to breathe and relax after this scare." Will understood. "Am I on speaker?" I nodded. "Yeah." Will then spoke to Erin. "Erin, take deep breaths and relax okay? I will take care of Hank and yell at him for you."

Erin laughed. "Will, you don't think I've already done that?" Erin then walked away to the bedroom. I sighed when she walked away and then spoke to Will quick. "Listen, in the morning...can you pick me up on your way to the hospital? I am going to come get his car. That way, I can be the one to drive him home." Will then sighed. "Jay, just take care of Erin okay? She's going to need you." I understood. "You're right. Just promise me that he doesn't leave the hospital?" Will agreed. "Of course. Now, I have to get him a room ready." 

I agreed and smiled. "Call me around midnight okay? I mean, if you can." Will agreed and chuckled. "I promise to try. However, I am not going to be here overnight. I am headed home right after Voight gets here. I only took a day shift. I'm done now. By the way, you might want to give Erin a snack before you talk." I agreed and then thanked him. "Thanks for you help Will. Talk later." I then went to hang up before going to grab a snack for Erin so she could eat while we talked.

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