Chapter 1133

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"So wait, you were cheating on me when we were dating?"

Matt's POV: When Sylvie said that, I got nervous. I mean, I wasn't technically cheating on her because I never considered her my real girlfriend. She was more like a friends with benefits. "Sylvie, don't say that. We both know that you can't be jealous. I mean, this is Gabby we are talking about. You knew very well that I always had feelings for Gabby. I made it clear from the outset of our time together that if Gabby ever came back, I would be with her again." Sylvie sighed and nodded. "Sorry for getting mad."

I nodded and understood before looking at Gabby. She got up and walked over to me, seemingly a little nervous and mad at the same time. "Matt, you told me that you were single that night." I nodded and wrapped my arm around her. "Officially I was. We hadn't made anything official yet. So, I was single." Gabby then put her hand on my back before nodding. "Sorry for getting mad." I nodded and then moved to lean down to kiss her softly. "No apologies needed."

Gabby smiled and nodded when I said that. "Thanks. Now listen, start the food and let's change topics Sylvie. This is getting awkward and it's not really something I want to talk about considering it involves emotional topics. Let's instead talk about what you and Antonio are thinking about for your wedding?" Sylvie then sighed and looked at her. "I don't even know whether there is going to be a wedding now Gabby. We are not in a good place right now."

I sighed while looking at my future sister-in-law. "Sylvie, remember what I told you. Antonio is crazy for you and he will come around. Don't give up on him. I refuse to allow you to give up on him because then you will be making the same mistake I did with Gabby. And since he is my brother-in-law, I need to make sure that he doesn't get his heart broken again. Sylvie, he loves you and your twins. In fact, you guys need to talk stuff out. That's all that needs to happen."

Sylvie agreed and sighed. "Just not yet. However, maybe you can invite him over for supper? That way he can drive me home." Gabby then pointed something out. "You brought your car here Sylvie." Sylvie nodded and sighed. "Then maybe we should go there for supper. Anyways, his kids are coming over and have been missing Matteo." Gabby was about to say something when I vetoed any chance. "Not happening. Unless they get tested first. I am not risking it."

Gabby then turned to look at me and saw I was worried. And the truth was that I was. I was worried about whether our marriage would survive if something bad happened to Matteo. While publicly, I've said that nothing will ever change my want to be with her...I didn't know about her. Gabby was always a wildcard when it came to our relationship. I am just scared that she will clam up and get scared. And now that we are working on adoption, I need her here to help.

Looking at me, Gabby bit her lip and nodded. "You are right. They snuck out in the past and that's probably what you are most worried about." I nodded and agreed. "Gabby, we both know that it would devastate us both if something happened to anybody in this room. But, it would be the worst if something ever happened to Matteo." Gabby agreed and sighed when she went to look at Matteo who was in her lap. Kissing his forehead, Gabby smiled.

Sylvie then looked at Gabby. "Gabby, you mind if I hold him? I need to practice holding babies." Gabby then smiled and nodded. "Of course you can hold him." Gabby then got up and went to place him in Sylvie's arms. "Hey buddy, I'm your aunt Sylvie." Matteo then looked at her and smiled at her. "God, he just smiled at me." Sitting back down on the couch, Gabby smiled at Sylvie. "You know, you can only make that official by marrying my brother."

Sylvie nodded. "I think at the end of the day, we will get married. Oh, by the way...I want to do baby blue bridesmaids dresses. Think you can look for ideas for me for what you would like to wear? That can be one of your jobs as my maid of honor." Gabby smiled and agreed. "I would love to do that. However Matt, you need to talk to Antonio about you wearing your uniform." Matt smiled and nodded. "All of his groomsmen are going to be wearing their dress uniforms."

Sylvie agreed. "Yes, except for Jay. He's going to be wearing his army dress uniform instead of his CPD dress uniform. Honestly, makes sense. He should wear that." Gabby smiled when she said that. "That reminds me Matt. Another job that I refuse to allow Matteo to serve in is military." I then sighed and looked at her. "Gabby, we all know that service is important in this family. If Matteo wants to serve in the military, we can't stop him. I am just going to talk to Jay first."

Gabby looked at me confused when I said that I would talk to Jay first. "Why exactly?" I smiled when she asked. "Because he will be putting our son through a crash course before he leaves. And maybe then that will make him change his mind over whether he even wants to go. But listen, let's not talk about that because right now, we want to concentrate on him while he is small. By the way Sylvie, you have any food that you can't eat right now? I can customize."

Sylvie then shook her head. "Nope. By the way, how do you know about pregnancy cravings and hard time eating stuff when you've never experienced a pregnancy with Gabby before?" I then chuckled. "I may not have experienced Gabby's pregnancy but, I was living with my sister when she was pregnant with Violet. So, I helped make some meals sometimes and had to make sure that my sister could eat them." Gabby smiled when I said that.

"That's one of the benefits of being married to a guy who was raised by women. He is basically trained to do stuff in ways that will always make women happy. You should see how he folds laundry. It's crazy how good he is. I am not just talking about folding his laundry. Heck, he even puts my underwear away sometimes and it's done perfectly." I smiled when she said that. "I am a perfectionist after all." Gabby agreed when he said that.

"God, you totally are. I mean, you should see the notepad he has in his side table. Apparently, he feels like he screwed up a few things when he made the nursery." I then stared at her. "How do you know about that notebook?"  

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